
The previous pre-1.0 releases of GeoInterface.jl were smaller in scope, aligned to geointerface in Python [sgillies] which builds on GeoJSON [geojson]. It provided abstract types and expected other geometries to be implemented as a subtype. Recent Julia developments have shown that subtyping is difficult–you can only choose one supertype–and many packages moved to trait-based interfaces. Tables.jl is an excellent example of traits-based interface.

Backwards compatibility

To keep function compatibility with pre-v1 releases–even while switching to traits–we keep the following methods.

# for Features
isfeature # new

# for Geometries

However, the position type is gone and merged with PointTrait.

  • sgillieshttps://gist.github.com/sgillies/2217756
  • geojsonhttps://geojson.org/