
There are many function in SF, but most only apply to a single geometry type. Of note here are the ngeom and getgeom for each geometry type, which translate to the following function for each type automatically:

AbstractCurveTrait, MultiPointTraitnpoint(geom)getpoint(geom)


Of note are PolygonTraits, which can have holes, for which we automatically add the following functions based on the ngeom implemented by package authors. In some cases, the assumptions here are not correct (most notably Shapefile), where the second ring is not necessarily a hole, but could be another exterior.

getexterior(p::AbstractPolygonTrait, geom) = getring(p, geom, 1)
nhole(p::AbstractPolygonTrait, geom) = nring(p, geom) - 1
gethole(p::AbstractPolygonTrait, geom, i) = getring(p, geom, i + 1)


Similarly for LineStringTraits, we have the following

startpoint(geom) = getpoint(geom, 1)
endpoint(geom) = getpoint(geom, length(geom))


In some cases, we know the return value of a function for a specific geometry (sub)type beforehand and have implemented them.

npoint(::LineTrait, geom) = 2
npoint(::TriangleTrait, geom) = 3
npoint(::RectangleTrait, geom) = 4
npoint(::QuadTrait, geom) = 4
npoint(::PentagonTrait, geom) = 5
npoint(::HexagonTrait, geom) = 6


GeoInterface is implemented for NTuples, NamedTuples and AbstractVectors to behave as Points. Note the eltype in all cases should be a Real. Only the keys X, Y, Z, and M are supported for NamedTuples.

a = [1, 2, 3]
GeoInterface.x(a) == 1

b = (1, 2, 3)
GeoInterface.y(b) == 2

c = (;X=1, Y=2, Z=3)
GeoInterface.z(c) == 3

Wrapper types

It is common that a package does not implement all objects supported by GeoInterface.jl, and may lack the ability to define features. It is useful to define generic objects that can be used in testing and for scripting where geometries need to be constructed from components. Using generic wrappers means this is backend agnostic: the same code will work if geometries come from GeoJSON.jl, Shapefile.jl, LibGEOS.jl, or other packages defining GeoInterface.jl traits.

Wrapper types are provided for constructing geometries out of any lower-level components that implement GeoInterface.jl traits. These wrappers can wrap objects of the same trait (possibly to add extent data), vectors of child objects, or nested vectors of lower level children, such as points.

As an example, we can construct a polygon from any GeoInterface.jl compatible geometries that return LinearRingTrait from GeoInterface.geomtrait:

poly = Polygon([interior, hole1, hole2])

See the API documentation for each wrapper for more details.

Wrappers for Triangle, Hexagon and some other geometries are yet to be implemented. Please make a GitHub issue if you need them.

Feature and FeatureCollection wrappers are also provided, to add properties, crs and extents to any GeoInterface.jl compatible geometries.

Wrappers are not exported by default because they are very common names used by other packages. To use them directly, run using GeoInterface.Wrappers.