High-level interface
Getting information
— Functionncinfo(filename)
prints information on the variables, dimension and attributes conatained in the file
Reading data
— Functionncread(filename, varname)
reads the values of the variable varname
from file filename
and returns the values in an array.
Keyword arguments
Vector of lengthndim(v)
setting the starting index for each dimensioncount
Vector of lengthndim(v)
setting the count of values to be read along each dimension. The value -1 is treated as a special case to read all values along the dimension
To read the second slice of a 3D NetCDF variable, you can write:
ncread("filename","varname", start=[1,1,2], count = [-1,-1,1])
— Functionncread!(filename, varname, d)
reads the values of the variable varname from file filename and writes the results to the pre-allocated array d
Keyword arguments
Vector of lengthndim(v)
setting the starting index for each dimensioncount
Vector of lengthndim(v)
setting the count of values to be read along each dimension. The value -1 is treated as a special case to read all values from this dimension
To read the second slice of a 3D NetCDF variable one can write:
d = zeros(10,10,1)
ncread!("filename","varname", d, start=[1,1,2], count = [-1,-1,1])
Writing data
— Functionncwrite(x::Array,fil::AbstractString,vname::AbstractString)
Writes the array x
to the file fil
and variable vname
Keyword arguments
Vector of lengthndim(v)
setting the starting index for writing for each dimensioncount
Vector of lengthndim(v)
setting the count of values to be written along each dimension. The value -1 is treated as a special case to write all values along the dimension. This is usually inferred by the given array size.
Reading attributes
— Functionncgetatt(filename, varname, attname)
This reads a NetCDF attribute attname
from the specified file and variable. To read global attributes, set varname to Global
Writing attributes
— Functionncputatt(nc::String,varname::String,atts::Dict)
Writes the attributes defined in atts
to the variable varname
for the given NetCDF file name nc
. Existing attributes are overwritten. If varname is not a valid variable name, a global attribute will be written.
Creating files
— Functionnccreate (filename, varname, dimensions ...)
Creates a variable in an existing NetCDF file or generates a new file. filename
and varname
are strings. After that follows a list of dimensions. Each dimension entry starts with a dimension name (a String), and may be followed by a dimension length, an array with dimension values or a Dict containing dimension attributes. Then the next dimension is entered and so on. Have a look at examples/high.jl for an example use.
Keyword arguments
- atts Dict of attribute names and values to be assigned to the variable created
- gatts Dict of attribute names and values to be written as global attributes
- compress Integer [0..9] setting the compression level of the file, only valid if
- t variable type, currently supported types are: const
- mode file creation mode, only valid when new file is created, choose one of: