Buffering a geometry means computing the region distance
away from it, and returning that region as the new geometry.
As of now, we only support GEOS
as the backend, meaning that LibGEOS must be loaded.
function buffer(geometry, distance; kwargs...)
buffered = buffer(GEOS(; kwargs...), geometry, distance)
return tuples(buffered)
Below is an error handler similar to the others we have for e.g. segmentize, which checks if there is a method error for the geos backend.
Add an error hint for buffer
if LibGEOS is not loaded!
function _buffer_error_hinter(io, exc, argtypes, kwargs)
if isnothing(Base.get_extension(GeometryOps, :GeometryOpsLibGEOSExt)) && exc.f == buffer && first(argtypes) == GEOS
print(io, "\n\nThe `buffer` method requires the LibGEOS.jl package to be explicitly loaded.\n")
print(io, "You can do this by simply typing ")
printstyled(io, "using LibGEOS"; color = :cyan, bold = true)
println(io, " in your REPL, \nor otherwise loading LibGEOS.jl via using or import.")
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