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Geometry reprojection

export reproject

This file is pretty simple - it simply reprojects a geometry pointwise from one CRS to another. It uses the Proj package for the transformation, but this could be moved to an extension if needed.

Note that the actual implementation is in the GeometryOpsProjExt extension module.

This works using the apply functionality.

    reproject(geometry; source_crs, target_crs, transform, always_xy, time)
    reproject(geometry, source_crs, target_crs; always_xy, time)
    reproject(geometry, transform; always_xy, time)

Reproject any GeoInterface.jl compatible `geometry` from `source_crs` to `target_crs`.

The returned object will be constructed from `GeoInterface.WrapperGeometry`
geometries, wrapping views of a `Vector{Proj.Point{D}}`, where `D` is the dimension.

!!! tip
    The `Proj.jl` package must be loaded for this method to work,
    since it is implemented in a package extension.

# Arguments

- `geometry`: Any GeoInterface.jl compatible geometries.
- `source_crs`: the source coordinate reference system, as a GeoFormatTypes.jl object or a string.
- `target_crs`: the target coordinate reference system, as a GeoFormatTypes.jl object or a string.

If these a passed as keywords, `transform` will take priority.
Without it `target_crs` is always needed, and `source_crs` is
needed if it is not retrievable from the geometry with ``.

# Keywords

- `always_xy`: force x, y coordinate order, `true` by default.
    `false` will expect and return points in the crs coordinate order.
- `time`: the time for the coordinates. `Inf` by default.
function reproject end

Method error handling

We also inject a method error handler, which prints a suggestion if the Proj extension is not loaded.

function _reproject_error_hinter(io, exc, argtypes, kwargs)
    if isnothing(Base.get_extension(GeometryOps, :GeometryOpsProjExt)) && exc.f == reproject
        print(io, "\n\nThe `reproject` method requires the Proj.jl package to be explicitly loaded.\n")
        print(io, "You can do this by simply typing ")
        printstyled(io, "using Proj"; color = :cyan, bold = true)
        println(io, " in your REPL, \nor otherwise loading Proj.jl via using or import.")
    else # this is a more general error

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