Other primitives (unwrap, flatten, etc)
This file defines the following primitives:
Missing docstring.
Missing docstring for unwrap
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring.
Missing docstring for flatten
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring.
Missing docstring for reconstruct
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring.
Missing docstring for rebuild
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
unwrap(target::Type{<:AbstractTrait}, obj)
unwrap(f, target::Type{<:AbstractTrait}, obj)
Unwrap the object to vectors, down to the target trait.
If `f` is passed in it will be applied to the target geometries
as they are found.
function unwrap end
unwrap(target::Type, geom) = unwrap(identity, target, geom)
Add dispatch argument for trait
unwrap(f, target::Type, geom) = unwrap(f, target, GI.trait(geom), geom)
Try to unwrap over iterables
unwrap(f, target::Type, ::Nothing, iterable) =
map(x -> unwrap(f, target, x), iterable)
Rewrap feature collections
unwrap(f, target::Type, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc) =
map(x -> unwrap(f, target, x), GI.getfeature(fc))
unwrap(f, target::Type, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature) =
unwrap(f, target, GI.geometry(feature))
unwrap(f, target::Type, trait, geom) = map(g -> unwrap(f, target, g), GI.getgeom(geom))
Apply f to the target geometry
unwrap(f, ::Type{Target}, ::Trait, geom) where {Target,Trait<:Target} = f(geom)
Fail if we hit PointTrait
unwrap(f, target::Type, trait::GI.PointTrait, geom) =
throw(ArgumentError("target $target not found, but reached a `PointTrait` leaf"))
Specific cases to avoid method ambiguity
unwrap(f, target::Type{GI.PointTrait}, trait::GI.PointTrait, geom) = f(geom)
unwrap(f, target::Type{GI.FeatureTrait}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature) = f(feature)
unwrap(f, target::Type{GI.FeatureCollectionTrait}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc) = f(fc)
flatten(target::Type{<:GI.AbstractTrait}, obj)
flatten(f, target::Type{<:GI.AbstractTrait}, obj)
Lazily flatten any `AbstractArray`, iterator, `FeatureCollectionTrait`,
`FeatureTrait` or `AbstractGeometryTrait` object `obj`, so that objects
with the `target` trait are returned by the iterator.
If `f` is passed in it will be applied to the target geometries.
flatten(::Type{Target}, geom) where {Target<:GI.AbstractTrait} = flatten(identity, Target, geom)
flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, geom) where {Target<:GI.AbstractTrait} = _flatten(f, Target, geom)
_flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, geom) where Target = _flatten(f, Target, GI.trait(geom), geom)
Try to flatten over iterables
function _flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, ::Nothing, iterable) where Target
if Tables.istable(iterable)
column = Tables.getcolumn(iterable, first(GI.geometrycolumns(iterable)))
Iterators.map(x -> _flatten(f, Target, x), column) |> Iterators.flatten
Iterators.map(x -> _flatten(f, Target, x), iterable) |> Iterators.flatten
Flatten feature collections
function _flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc) where Target
Iterators.map(GI.getfeature(fc)) do feature
_flatten(f, Target, feature)
end |> Iterators.flatten
_flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature) where Target =
_flatten(f, Target, GI.geometry(feature))
Apply f to the target geometry
_flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, ::Trait, geom) where {Target,Trait<:Target} = (f(geom),)
_flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, trait, geom) where Target =
Iterators.flatten(Iterators.map(g -> _flatten(f, Target, g), GI.getgeom(geom)))
Fail if we hit PointTrait without running f
_flatten(f, ::Type{Target}, trait::GI.PointTrait, geom) where Target =
throw(ArgumentError("target $Target not found, but reached a `PointTrait` leaf"))
Specific cases to avoid method ambiguity
_flatten(f, ::Type{<:GI.PointTrait}, ::GI.PointTrait, geom) = (f(geom),)
_flatten(f, ::Type{<:GI.FeatureTrait}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature) = (f(feature),)
_flatten(f, ::Type{<:GI.FeatureCollectionTrait}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc) = (f(fc),)
reconstruct(geom, components)
Reconstruct `geom` from an iterable of component objects that match its structure.
All objects in `components` must have the same `GeoInterface.trait`.
Usually used in combination with `flatten`.
function reconstruct(geom, components)
obj, iter = _reconstruct(geom, components)
return obj
_reconstruct(geom, components) =
_reconstruct(typeof(GI.trait(first(components))), geom, components, 1)
_reconstruct(::Type{Target}, geom, components, iter) where Target =
_reconstruct(Target, GI.trait(geom), geom, components, iter)
Try to reconstruct over iterables
function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, ::Nothing, iterable, components, iter) where Target
vect = map(iterable) do x
iter is updated by _reconstruct here
obj, iter = _reconstruct(Target, x, components, iter)
return vect, iter
Reconstruct feature collections
function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc, components, iter) where Target
features = map(GI.getfeature(fc)) do feature
iter is updated by _reconstruct here
newfeature, iter = _reconstruct(Target, feature, components, iter)
return GI.FeatureCollection(features; crs=GI.crs(fc)), iter
function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature, components, iter) where Target
geom, iter = _reconstruct(Target, GI.geometry(feature), components, iter)
return GI.Feature(geom; properties=GI.properties(feature), crs=GI.crs(feature)), iter
function _reconstruct(::Type{Target}, trait, geom, components, iter) where Target
geoms = map(GI.getgeom(geom)) do subgeom
iter is updated by _reconstruct here
subgeom1, iter = _reconstruct(Target, GI.trait(subgeom), subgeom, components, iter)
return rebuild(geom, geoms), iter
Apply f to the target geometry
_reconstruct(::Type{Target}, ::Trait, geom, components, iter) where {Target,Trait<:Target} =
iterate(components, iter)
Specific cases to avoid method ambiguity
_reconstruct(::Type{<:GI.PointTrait}, ::GI.PointTrait, geom, components, iter) = iterate(components, iter)
_reconstruct(::Type{<:GI.FeatureTrait}, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature, components, iter) = iterate(feature, iter)
_reconstruct(::Type{<:GI.FeatureCollectionTrait}, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc, components, iter) = iterate(fc, iter)
Fail if we hit PointTrait without running f
_reconstruct(::Type{Target}, trait::GI.PointTrait, geom, components, iter) where Target =
throw(ArgumentError("target $Target not found, but reached a `PointTrait` leaf"))
rebuild(geom, child_geoms)
Rebuild a geometry from child geometries.
By default geometries will be rebuilt as a `GeoInterface.Wrappers`
geometry, but `rebuild` can have methods added to it to dispatch
on geometries from other packages and specify how to rebuild them.
(Maybe it should go into GeoInterface.jl)
rebuild(geom, child_geoms; kw...) = rebuild(GI.trait(geom), geom, child_geoms; kw...)
function rebuild(trait::GI.AbstractTrait, geom, child_geoms; crs=GI.crs(geom), extent=nothing)
T = GI.geointerface_geomtype(trait)
if GI.is3d(geom)
The Boolean type parameters here indicate "3d-ness" and "measure" coordinate, respectively.
return T{true,false}(child_geoms; crs, extent)
return T{false,false}(child_geoms; crs, extent)
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