Polygon clipping helpers
This file contains the shared helper functions for the polygon clipping functionalities.
This enum defines which side of an edge a point is on
@enum PointEdgeSide left=1 right=2 unknown=3
Constants assigned for readability
const enter, exit = true, false
const crossing, bouncing = true, false
#= A point can either be the start or end of an overlapping chain of points between two
polygons, or not an endpoint of a chain. =#
@enum EndPointType start_chain=1 end_chain=2 not_endpoint=3
#= This is the struct that makes up a_list and b_list. Many values are only used if point is
an intersection point (ipt). =#
@kwdef struct PolyNode{T <: AbstractFloat}
point::Tuple{T,T} # (x, y) values of given point
inter::Bool = false # If ipt, true, else 0
neighbor::Int = 0 # If ipt, index of equivalent point in a_list or b_list, else 0
idx::Int = 0 # If crossing point, index within sorted a_idx_list
ent_exit::Bool = false # If ipt, true if enter and false if exit, else false
crossing::Bool = false # If ipt, true if intersection crosses from out/in polygon, else false
endpoint::EndPointType = not_endpoint # If ipt, denotes if point is the start or end of an overlapping chain
fracs::Tuple{T,T} = (0., 0.) # If ipt, fractions along edges to ipt (a_frac, b_frac), else (0, 0)
#= Create a new node with all of the same field values as the given PolyNode unless
alternative values are provided, in which case those should be used. =#
point = node.point, inter = node.inter, neighbor = node.neighbor, idx = node.idx,
ent_exit = node.ent_exit, crossing = node.crossing, endpoint = node.endpoint,
fracs = node.fracs,
) where T = PolyNode{T}(;
point = point, inter = inter, neighbor = neighbor, idx = idx, ent_exit = ent_exit,
crossing = crossing, endpoint = endpoint, fracs = fracs)
Checks equality of two PolyNodes by backing point value, fractional value, and intersection status
equals(pn1::PolyNode, pn2::PolyNode) = pn1.point == pn2.point && pn1.inter == pn2.inter && pn1.fracs == pn2.fracs
_build_ab_list(::Type{T}, poly_a, poly_b, delay_cross_f, delay_bounce_f; exact) ->
(a_list, b_list, a_idx_list)
This function takes in two polygon rings and calls '_build_a_list', '_build_b_list', and '_flag_ent_exit' in order to fully form a_list and b_list. The 'a_list' and 'b_list' that it returns are the fully updated vectors of PolyNodes that represent the rings 'poly_a' and 'poly_b', respectively. This function also returns 'a_idx_list', which at its "ith" index stores the index in 'a_list' at which the "ith" intersection point lies.
function _build_ab_list(::Type{T}, poly_a, poly_b, delay_cross_f::F1, delay_bounce_f::F2; exact) where {T, F1, F2}
Make a list for nodes of each polygon
a_list, a_idx_list, n_b_intrs = _build_a_list(T, poly_a, poly_b; exact)
b_list = _build_b_list(T, a_idx_list, a_list, n_b_intrs, poly_b)
Flag crossings
_classify_crossing!(T, a_list, b_list; exact)
Flag the entry and exits
_flag_ent_exit!(T, GI.LinearRingTrait(), poly_b, a_list, delay_cross_f, Base.Fix2(delay_bounce_f, true); exact)
_flag_ent_exit!(T, GI.LinearRingTrait(), poly_a, b_list, delay_cross_f, Base.Fix2(delay_bounce_f, false); exact)
Set node indices and filter a_idx_list to just crossing points
_index_crossing_intrs!(a_list, b_list, a_idx_list)
return a_list, b_list, a_idx_list
_build_a_list(::Type{T}, poly_a, poly_b) -> (a_list, a_idx_list)
This function take in two polygon rings and creates a vector of PolyNodes to represent poly_a, including its intersection points with poly_b. The information stored in each PolyNode is needed for clipping using the Greiner-Hormann clipping algorithm.
Note: After calling this function, a_list is not fully formed because the neighboring indices of the intersection points in b_list still need to be updated. Also we still have not update the entry and exit flags for a_list.
The a_idx_list is a list of the indices of intersection points in a_list. The value at index i of a_idx_list is the location in a_list where the ith intersection point lies.
function _build_a_list(::Type{T}, poly_a, poly_b; exact) where T
n_a_edges = _nedge(poly_a)
a_list = PolyNode{T}[] # list of points in poly_a
sizehint!(a_list, n_a_edges)
a_idx_list = Vector{Int}() # finds indices of intersection points in a_list
a_count = 0 # number of points added to a_list
n_b_intrs = 0
Loop through points of poly_a
local a_pt1
for (i, a_p2) in enumerate(GI.getpoint(poly_a))
a_pt2 = (T(GI.x(a_p2)), T(GI.y(a_p2)))
if i <= 1 || (a_pt1 == a_pt2) # don't repeat points
a_pt1 = a_pt2
Add the first point of the edge to the list of points in a_list
new_point = PolyNode{T}(;point = a_pt1)
a_count += 1
push!(a_list, new_point)
Find intersections with edges of poly_b
local b_pt1
prev_counter = a_count
for (j, b_p2) in enumerate(GI.getpoint(poly_b))
b_pt2 = _tuple_point(b_p2, T)
if j <= 1 || (b_pt1 == b_pt2) # don't repeat points
b_pt1 = b_pt2
Determine if edges intersect and how they intersect
line_orient, intr1, intr2 = _intersection_point(T, (a_pt1, a_pt2), (b_pt1, b_pt2); exact)
if line_orient != line_out # edges intersect
if line_orient == line_cross # Intersection point that isn't a vertex
int_pt, fracs = intr1
new_intr = PolyNode{T}(;
point = int_pt, inter = true, neighbor = j - 1,
crossing = true, fracs = fracs,
a_count += 1
n_b_intrs += 1
push!(a_list, new_intr)
push!(a_idx_list, a_count)
(_, (α1, β1)) = intr1
Determine if a1 or b1 should be added to a_list
add_a1 = α1 == 0 && 0 ≤ β1 < 1
a1_β = add_a1 ? β1 : zero(T)
add_b1 = β1 == 0 && 0 < α1 < 1
b1_α = add_b1 ? α1 : zero(T)
If lines are collinear and overlapping, a second intersection exists
if line_orient == line_over
(_, (α2, β2)) = intr2
if α2 == 0 && 0 ≤ β2 < 1
add_a1, a1_β = true, β2
if β2 == 0 && 0 < α2 < 1
add_b1, b1_α = true, α2
Add intersection points determined above
if add_a1
n_b_intrs += a1_β == 0 ? 0 : 1
a_list[prev_counter] = PolyNode{T}(;
point = a_pt1, inter = true, neighbor = j - 1,
fracs = (zero(T), a1_β),
push!(a_idx_list, prev_counter)
if add_b1
new_intr = PolyNode{T}(;
point = b_pt1, inter = true, neighbor = j - 1,
fracs = (b1_α, zero(T)),
a_count += 1
push!(a_list, new_intr)
push!(a_idx_list, a_count)
b_pt1 = b_pt2
Order intersection points by placement along edge using fracs value
if prev_counter < a_count
Δintrs = a_count - prev_counter
inter_points = @view a_list[(a_count - Δintrs + 1):a_count]
sort!(inter_points, by = x -> x.fracs[1])
a_pt1 = a_pt2
return a_list, a_idx_list, n_b_intrs
_build_b_list(::Type{T}, a_idx_list, a_list, poly_b) -> b_list
This function takes in the a_list and a_idx_list build in _build_a_list and poly_b and creates a vector of PolyNodes to represent poly_b. The information stored in each PolyNode is needed for clipping using the Greiner-Hormann clipping algorithm.
Note: after calling this function, b_list is not fully updated. The entry/exit flags still need to be updated. However, the neighbor value in a_list is now updated.
function _build_b_list(::Type{T}, a_idx_list, a_list, n_b_intrs, poly_b) where T
Sort intersection points by insertion order in b_list
sort!(a_idx_list, by = x-> a_list[x].neighbor + a_list[x].fracs[2])
Initialize needed values and lists
n_b_edges = _nedge(poly_b)
n_intr_pts = length(a_idx_list)
b_list = PolyNode{T}[]
sizehint!(b_list, n_b_edges + n_b_intrs)
intr_curr = 1
b_count = 0
Loop over points in poly_b and add each point and intersection point
local b_pt1
for (i, b_p2) in enumerate(GI.getpoint(poly_b))
b_pt2 = _tuple_point(b_p2, T)
if i ≤ 1 || (b_pt1 == b_pt2) # don't repeat points
b_pt1 = b_pt2
b_count += 1
push!(b_list, PolyNode{T}(; point = b_pt1))
if intr_curr ≤ n_intr_pts
curr_idx = a_idx_list[intr_curr]
curr_node = a_list[curr_idx]
prev_counter = b_count
while curr_node.neighbor == i - 1 # Add all intersection points on current edge
b_idx = 0
new_intr = PolyNode(curr_node; neighbor = curr_idx)
if curr_node.fracs[2] == 0 # if curr_node is segment start point
intersection point is vertex of b
b_idx = prev_counter
b_list[b_idx] = new_intr
b_count += 1
b_idx = b_count
push!(b_list, new_intr)
a_list[curr_idx] = PolyNode(curr_node; neighbor = b_idx)
intr_curr += 1
intr_curr > n_intr_pts && break
curr_idx = a_idx_list[intr_curr]
curr_node = a_list[curr_idx]
b_pt1 = b_pt2
sort!(a_idx_list) # return a_idx_list to order of points in a_list
return b_list
_classify_crossing!(T, poly_b, a_list; exact)
This function marks all intersection points as either bouncing or crossing points. "Delayed" crossing or bouncing intersections (a chain of edges where the central edges overlap and thus only the first and last edge of the chain determine if the chain is bounding or crossing) are marked as follows: the first and the last points are marked as crossing if the chain is crossing and delayed otherwise and all middle points are marked as bouncing. Additionally, the start and end points of the chain are marked as endpoints using the endpoints field.
function _classify_crossing!(::Type{T}, a_list, b_list; exact) where T
napts = length(a_list)
nbpts = length(b_list)
start centered on last point
a_prev = a_list[end - 1]
curr_pt = a_list[end]
i = napts
keep track of unmatched bouncing chains
start_chain_edge, start_chain_idx = unknown, 0
unmatched_end_chain_edge, unmatched_end_chain_idx = unknown, 0
same_winding = true
loop over list points
for next_idx in 1:napts
a_next = a_list[next_idx]
if curr_pt.inter && !curr_pt.crossing
j = curr_pt.neighbor
b_prev = j == 1 ? b_list[end] : b_list[j-1]
b_next = j == nbpts ? b_list[1] : b_list[j+1]
determine if any segments are on top of one another
a_prev_is_b_prev = a_prev.inter && equals(a_prev, b_prev)
a_prev_is_b_next = a_prev.inter && equals(a_prev, b_next)
a_next_is_b_prev = a_next.inter && equals(a_next, b_prev)
a_next_is_b_next = a_next.inter && equals(a_next, b_next)
determine which side of a segments the p points are on
b_prev_side, b_next_side = _get_sides(b_prev, b_next, a_prev, curr_pt, a_next,
i, j, a_list, b_list; exact)
no sides overlap
if !a_prev_is_b_prev && !a_prev_is_b_next && !a_next_is_b_prev && !a_next_is_b_next
if b_prev_side != b_next_side # lines cross
a_list[i] = PolyNode(curr_pt; crossing = true)
b_list[j] = PolyNode(b_list[j]; crossing = true)
end of overlapping chain
elseif !a_next_is_b_prev && !a_next_is_b_next
b_side = a_prev_is_b_prev ? b_next_side : b_prev_side
if start_chain_edge == unknown # start loop on overlapping chain
unmatched_end_chain_edge = b_side
unmatched_end_chain_idx = i
same_winding = a_prev_is_b_prev
else # close overlapping chain
update end of chain with endpoint and crossing / bouncing tags
crossing = b_side != start_chain_edge
a_list[i] = PolyNode(curr_pt;
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = end_chain,
b_list[j] = PolyNode(b_list[j];
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = same_winding ? end_chain : start_chain,
update start of chain with endpoint and crossing / bouncing tags
start_pt = a_list[start_chain_idx]
a_list[start_chain_idx] = PolyNode(start_pt;
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = start_chain,
b_list[start_pt.neighbor] = PolyNode(b_list[start_pt.neighbor];
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = same_winding ? start_chain : end_chain,
start of overlapping chain
elseif !a_prev_is_b_prev && !a_prev_is_b_next
b_side = a_next_is_b_prev ? b_next_side : b_prev_side
start_chain_edge = b_side
start_chain_idx = i
same_winding = a_next_is_b_next
a_prev = curr_pt
curr_pt = a_next
i = next_idx
if we started in the middle of overlapping chain, close chain
if unmatched_end_chain_edge != unknown
crossing = unmatched_end_chain_edge != start_chain_edge
update end of chain with endpoint and crossing / bouncing tags
end_chain_pt = a_list[unmatched_end_chain_idx]
a_list[unmatched_end_chain_idx] = PolyNode(end_chain_pt;
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = end_chain,
b_list[end_chain_pt.neighbor] = PolyNode(b_list[end_chain_pt.neighbor];
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = same_winding ? end_chain : start_chain,
update start of chain with endpoint and crossing / bouncing tags
start_pt = a_list[start_chain_idx]
a_list[start_chain_idx] = PolyNode(start_pt;
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = start_chain,
b_list[start_pt.neighbor] = PolyNode(b_list[start_pt.neighbor];
crossing = crossing,
endpoint = same_winding ? start_chain : end_chain,
Check if PolyNode is a vertex of original polygon
_is_vertex(pt) = !pt.inter || pt.fracs[1] == 0 || pt.fracs[1] == 1 || pt.fracs[2] == 0 || pt.fracs[2] == 1
#= Determines which side (right or left) of the segment a_prev-curr_pt-a_next the points
b_prev and b_next are on. Given this is only called when curr_pt is an intersection point
that wasn't initially classified as crossing, we know that curr_pt is either from a hinge or
overlapping intersection and thus is an original vertex of either poly_a or poly_b. Due to
floating point error when calculating new intersection points, we only want to use original
vertices to determine orientation. Thus, for other points, find nearest point that is a
vertex. Given other intersection points will be collinear along existing segments, this
won't change the orientation. =#
function _get_sides(b_prev, b_next, a_prev, curr_pt, a_next, i, j, a_list, b_list; exact)
b_prev_pt = if _is_vertex(b_prev)
else # Find original start point of segment formed by b_prev and curr_pt
prev_idx = findprev(_is_vertex, b_list, j - 1)
prev_idx = isnothing(prev_idx) ? findlast(_is_vertex, b_list) : prev_idx
b_next_pt = if _is_vertex(b_next)
else # Find original end point of segment formed by curr_pt and b_next
next_idx = findnext(_is_vertex, b_list, j + 1)
next_idx = isnothing(next_idx) ? findfirst(_is_vertex, b_list) : next_idx
a_prev_pt = if _is_vertex(a_prev)
else # Find original start point of segment formed by a_prev and curr_pt
prev_idx = findprev(_is_vertex, a_list, i - 1)
prev_idx = isnothing(prev_idx) ? findlast(_is_vertex, a_list) : prev_idx
a_next_pt = if _is_vertex(a_next)
else # Find original end point of segment formed by curr_pt and a_next
next_idx = findnext(_is_vertex, a_list, i + 1)
next_idx = isnothing(next_idx) ? findfirst(_is_vertex, a_list) : next_idx
Determine side orientation of b_prev and b_next
b_prev_side = _get_side(b_prev_pt, a_prev_pt, curr_pt.point, a_next_pt; exact)
b_next_side = _get_side(b_next_pt, a_prev_pt, curr_pt.point, a_next_pt; exact)
return b_prev_side, b_next_side
Determines if Q lies to the left or right of the line formed by P1-P2-P3
function _get_side(Q, P1, P2, P3; exact)
s1 = Predicates.orient(Q, P1, P2; exact)
s2 = Predicates.orient(Q, P2, P3; exact)
s3 = Predicates.orient(P1, P2, P3; exact)
side = if s3 ≥ 0
(s1 < 0) || (s2 < 0) ? right : left
else # s3 < 0
(s1 > 0) || (s2 > 0) ? left : right
return side
#= Given a list of PolyNodes, find the first element that isn't an intersection point. Then,
test if this element is in or out of the given polygon. Return the next index, as well as
the enter/exit status of the next intersection point (the opposite of the in/out check). If
all points are intersection points, find the first element that either is the end of a chain
or a crossing point that isn't in a chain. Then take the midpoint of this point and the next
point in the list and perform the in/out check. If none of these points exist, return
a `next_idx` of `nothing`. =#
function _pt_off_edge_status(::Type{T}, pt_list, poly, npts; exact) where T
start_idx, is_non_intr_pt = findfirst(_is_not_intr, pt_list), true
if isnothing(start_idx)
start_idx, is_non_intr_pt = findfirst(_next_edge_off, pt_list), false
isnothing(start_idx) && return (start_idx, false)
next_idx = start_idx < npts ? (start_idx + 1) : 1
start_pt = if is_non_intr_pt
(pt_list[start_idx].point .+ pt_list[next_idx].point) ./ 2
start_status = !_point_filled_curve_orientation(start_pt, poly; in = true, on = false, out = false, exact)
return next_idx, start_status
Check if a PolyNode is an intersection point
_is_not_intr(pt) = !pt.inter
#= Check if a PolyNode is the last point of a chain or a non-overlapping crossing point.
The next midpoint of one of these points and the next point within a polygon must not be on
the polygon edge. =#
_next_edge_off(pt) = (pt.endpoint == end_chain) || (pt.crossing && pt.endpoint == not_endpoint)
_flag_ent_exit!(::Type{T}, ::GI.LinearRingTrait, poly, pt_list, delay_cross_f, delay_bounce_f; exact)
This function flags all the intersection points as either an 'entry' or 'exit' point in relation to the given polygon. For non-delayed crossings we simply alternate the enter/exit status. This also holds true for the first and last points of a delayed bouncing, where they both have an opposite entry/exit flag. Conversely, the first and last point of a delayed crossing have the same entry/exit status. Furthermore, the crossing/bouncing flag of delayed crossings and bouncings may be updated. This depends on function specific rules that determine which of the start or end points (if any) should be marked as crossing for used during polygon tracing. A consistent rule is that the start and end points of a delayed crossing will have different crossing/bouncing flags, while a the endpoints of a delayed bounce will be the same.
Used for clipping polygons by other polygons.
function _flag_ent_exit!(::Type{T}, ::GI.LinearRingTrait, poly, pt_list, delay_cross_f, delay_bounce_f; exact) where T
npts = length(pt_list)
Find starting index if there is one
next_idx, status = _pt_off_edge_status(T, pt_list, poly, npts; exact)
isnothing(next_idx) && return
start_idx = next_idx - 1
Loop over points and mark entry and exit status
start_chain_idx = 0
for ii in Iterators.flatten((next_idx:npts, 1:start_idx))
curr_pt = pt_list[ii]
if curr_pt.endpoint == start_chain
start_chain_idx = ii
elseif curr_pt.crossing || curr_pt.endpoint == end_chain
start_crossing, end_crossing = curr_pt.crossing, curr_pt.crossing
if curr_pt.endpoint == end_chain # ending overlapping chain
start_pt = pt_list[start_chain_idx]
if curr_pt.crossing # delayed crossing
#= start and end crossing status are different and depend on current
entry/exit status =#
start_crossing, end_crossing = delay_cross_f(status)
else # delayed bouncing
next_idx = ii < npts ? (ii + 1) : 1
next_val = (curr_pt.point .+ pt_list[next_idx].point) ./ 2
pt_in_poly = _point_filled_curve_orientation(next_val, poly; in = true, on = false, out = false, exact)
#= start and end crossing status are the same and depend on if adjacent
edges of pt_list are within poly =#
start_crossing = delay_bounce_f(pt_in_poly)
end_crossing = start_crossing
update start of chain point
pt_list[start_chain_idx] = PolyNode(start_pt; ent_exit = status, crossing = start_crossing)
if !curr_pt.crossing
status = !status
pt_list[ii] = PolyNode(curr_pt; ent_exit = status, crossing = end_crossing)
status = !status
_flag_ent_exit!(::GI.LineTrait, line, pt_list; exact)
This function flags all the intersection points as either an 'entry' or 'exit' point in relation to the given line. Returns true if there are crossing points to classify, else returns false. Used for cutting polygons by lines.
Assumes that the first point is outside of the polygon and not on an edge.
function _flag_ent_exit!(::GI.LineTrait, poly, pt_list; exact)
status = !_point_filled_curve_orientation(pt_list[1].point, poly; in = true, on = false, out = false, exact)
Loop over points and mark entry and exit status
for (ii, curr_pt) in enumerate(pt_list)
if curr_pt.crossing
pt_list[ii] = PolyNode(curr_pt; ent_exit = status)
status = !status
#= Filters a_idx_list to just include crossing points and sets the index of all crossing
points (which element they correspond to within a_idx_list). =#
function _index_crossing_intrs!(a_list, b_list, a_idx_list)
filter!(x -> a_list[x].crossing, a_idx_list)
for (i, a_idx) in enumerate(a_idx_list)
curr_node = a_list[a_idx]
neighbor_node = b_list[curr_node.neighbor]
a_list[a_idx] = PolyNode(curr_node; idx = i)
b_list[curr_node.neighbor] = PolyNode(neighbor_node; idx = i)
_trace_polynodes(::Type{T}, a_list, b_list, a_idx_list, f_step)::Vector{GI.Polygon}
This function takes the outputs of _build_ab_list and traces the lists to determine which polygons are formed as described in Greiner and Hormann. The function f_step determines in which direction the lists are traced. This function is different for intersection, difference, and union. f_step must take in two arguments: the most recent intersection node's entry/exit status and a boolean that is true if we are currently tracing a_list and false if we are tracing b_list. The functions used for each clipping operation are follows: - Intersection: (x, y) -> x ? 1 : (-1) - Difference: (x, y) -> (x ⊻ y) ? 1 : (-1) - Union: (x, y) -> x ? (-1) : 1
A list of GeoInterface polygons is returned from this function.
Note: poly_a
and poly_b
are temporary inputs used for debugging and can be removed eventually.
function _trace_polynodes(::Type{T}, a_list, b_list, a_idx_list, f_step, poly_a, poly_b) where T
n_a_pts, n_b_pts = length(a_list), length(b_list)
total_pts = n_a_pts + n_b_pts
n_cross_pts = length(a_idx_list)
return_polys = Vector{_get_poly_type(T)}(undef, 0)
Keep track of number of processed intersection points
visited_pts = 0
processed_pts = 0
first_idx = 1
while processed_pts < n_cross_pts
curr_list, curr_npoints = a_list, n_a_pts
on_a_list = true
Find first unprocessed intersecting point in subject polygon
visited_pts += 1
processed_pts += 1
first_idx = findnext(x -> x != 0, a_idx_list, first_idx)
idx = a_idx_list[first_idx]
a_idx_list[first_idx] = 0
start_pt = a_list[idx]
Set first point in polygon
curr = curr_list[idx]
pt_list = [curr.point]
curr_not_start = true
while curr_not_start
step = f_step(curr.ent_exit, on_a_list)
changed curr_not_intr to curr_not_same_ent_flag
same_status, prev_status = true, curr.ent_exit
while same_status
@assert visited_pts < total_pts "Clipping tracing hit every point - clipping error. Please open an issue with polygons: $(GI.coordinates(poly_a)) and $(GI.coordinates(poly_b))."
Traverse polygon either forwards or backwards
idx += step
idx = (idx > curr_npoints) ? mod(idx, curr_npoints) : idx
idx = (idx == 0) ? curr_npoints : idx
Get current node and add to pt_list
curr = curr_list[idx]
push!(pt_list, curr.point)
if (curr.crossing || curr.endpoint != not_endpoint)
Keep track of processed intersection points
same_status = curr.ent_exit == prev_status
curr_not_start = curr != start_pt && curr != b_list[start_pt.neighbor]
!curr_not_start && break
if (on_a_list && curr.crossing) || (!on_a_list && a_list[curr.neighbor].crossing)
processed_pts += 1
a_idx_list[curr.idx] = 0
visited_pts += 1
Switch to next list and next point
curr_list, curr_npoints = on_a_list ? (b_list, n_b_pts) : (a_list, n_a_pts)
on_a_list = !on_a_list
idx = curr.neighbor
curr = curr_list[idx]
push!(return_polys, GI.Polygon([pt_list]))
return return_polys
Get type of polygons that will be made TODO: Increase type options
_get_poly_type(::Type{T}) where T =
GI.Polygon{false, false, Vector{GI.LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Tuple{T, T}}, Nothing, Nothing}}, Nothing, Nothing}
_find_non_cross_orientation(a_list, b_list, a_poly, b_poly; exact)
For polygons with no crossing intersection points, either one polygon is inside of another, or they are separate polygons with no intersection (other than an edge or point).
Return two booleans that represent if a is inside b (potentially with shared edges / points) and visa versa if b is inside of a.
function _find_non_cross_orientation(a_list, b_list, a_poly, b_poly; exact)
non_intr_a_idx = findfirst(x -> !x.inter, a_list)
non_intr_b_idx = findfirst(x -> !x.inter, b_list)
#= Determine if non-intersection point is in or outside of polygon - if there isn't A
non-intersection point, then all points are on the polygon edge =#
a_pt_orient = isnothing(non_intr_a_idx) ? point_on :
_point_filled_curve_orientation(a_list[non_intr_a_idx].point, b_poly; exact)
b_pt_orient = isnothing(non_intr_b_idx) ? point_on :
_point_filled_curve_orientation(b_list[non_intr_b_idx].point, a_poly; exact)
a_in_b = a_pt_orient != point_out && b_pt_orient != point_in
b_in_a = b_pt_orient != point_out && a_pt_orient != point_in
return a_in_b, b_in_a
_add_holes_to_polys!(::Type{T}, return_polys, hole_iterator, remove_poly_idx; exact)
The holes specified by the hole iterator are added to the polygons in the return_polys list. If this creates more polygons, they are added to the end of the list. If this removes polygons, they are removed from the list
function _add_holes_to_polys!(::Type{T}, return_polys, hole_iterator, remove_poly_idx; exact) where T
n_polys = length(return_polys)
remove_hole_idx = Int[]
Remove set of holes from all polygons
for i in 1:n_polys
n_new_per_poly = 0
for curr_hole in Iterators.map(tuples, hole_iterator) # loop through all holes
curr_hole = _linearring(curr_hole)
loop through all pieces of original polygon (new pieces added to end of list)
for j in Iterators.flatten((i:i, (n_polys + 1):(n_polys + n_new_per_poly)))
curr_poly = return_polys[j]
remove_poly_idx[j] && continue
curr_poly_ext = GI.nhole(curr_poly) > 0 ? GI.Polygon(StaticArrays.SVector(GI.getexterior(curr_poly))) : curr_poly
in_ext, on_ext, out_ext = _line_polygon_interactions(curr_hole, curr_poly_ext; exact, closed_line = true)
if in_ext # hole is at least partially within the polygon's exterior
new_hole, new_hole_poly, n_new_pieces = _combine_holes!(T, curr_hole, curr_poly, return_polys, remove_hole_idx)
if n_new_pieces > 0
append!(remove_poly_idx, falses(n_new_pieces))
n_new_per_poly += n_new_pieces
if !on_ext && !out_ext # hole is completely within exterior
push!(curr_poly.geom, new_hole)
else # hole is partially within and outside of polygon's exterior
new_polys = difference(curr_poly_ext, new_hole_poly, T; target=GI.PolygonTrait())
n_new_polys = length(new_polys) - 1
replace original
curr_poly.geom[1] = GI.getexterior(new_polys[1])
append!(curr_poly.geom, GI.gethole(new_polys[1]))
if n_new_polys > 0 # add any extra pieces
append!(return_polys, @view new_polys[2:end])
append!(remove_poly_idx, falses(n_new_polys))
n_new_per_poly += n_new_polys
polygon is completely within hole
elseif coveredby(curr_poly_ext, GI.Polygon(StaticArrays.SVector(curr_hole)))
remove_poly_idx[j] = true
n_polys += n_new_per_poly
Remove all polygon that were marked for removal
deleteat!(return_polys, remove_poly_idx)
_combine_holes!(::Type{T}, new_hole, curr_poly, return_polys)
The new hole is combined with any existing holes in curr_poly. The holes can be combined into a larger hole if they are intersecting. If this happens, then the new, combined hole is returned with the original holes making up the new hole removed from curr_poly. Additionally, if the combined holes form a ring, the interior is added to the return_polys as a new polygon piece. Additionally, holes leftover after combination will be checked for it they are in the "main" polygon or in one of these new pieces and moved accordingly.
If the holes don't touch or curr_poly has no holes, then new_hole is returned without any changes.
function _combine_holes!(::Type{T}, new_hole, curr_poly, return_polys, remove_hole_idx) where T
n_new_polys = 0
new_hole_poly = GI.Polygon(StaticArrays.SVector(new_hole))
Combine any existing holes in curr_poly with new hole
for (k, old_hole) in enumerate(GI.gethole(curr_poly))
old_hole_poly = GI.Polygon(StaticArrays.SVector(old_hole))
if intersects(new_hole_poly, old_hole_poly)
If the holes intersect, combine them into a bigger hole
hole_union = union(new_hole_poly, old_hole_poly, T; target = GI.PolygonTrait())[1]
push!(remove_hole_idx, k + 1)
new_hole = GI.getexterior(hole_union)
new_hole_poly = GI.Polygon(StaticArrays.SVector(new_hole))
n_pieces = GI.nhole(hole_union)
if n_pieces > 0 # if the hole has a hole, then this is a new polygon piece!
append!(return_polys, [GI.Polygon([h]) for h in GI.gethole(hole_union)])
n_new_polys += n_pieces
Remove redundant holes
deleteat!(curr_poly.geom, remove_hole_idx)
If new polygon pieces created, make sure remaining holes are in the correct piece
@views for piece in return_polys[end - n_new_polys + 1:end]
for (k, old_hole) in enumerate(GI.gethole(curr_poly))
if !(k in remove_hole_idx) && within(old_hole, piece)
push!(remove_hole_idx, k + 1)
push!(piece.geom, old_hole)
deleteat!(curr_poly.geom, remove_hole_idx)
return new_hole, new_hole_poly, n_new_polys
#= Remove collinear edge points, other than the first and last edge vertex, to simplify
polygon - including both the exterior ring and any holes=#
function _remove_collinear_points!(polys, remove_idx, poly_a, poly_b)
for (i, poly) in Iterators.reverse(enumerate(polys))
for (j, ring) in Iterators.reverse(enumerate(GI.getring(poly)))
n = length(ring.geom)
resize and reset removing index buffer
resize!(remove_idx, n)
fill!(remove_idx, false)
local p1, p2
for (i, p) in enumerate(ring.geom)
if i == 1
p1 = p
elseif i == 2
p2 = p
p3 = p
check if p2 is approximately on the edge formed by p1 and p3 - remove if so
if Predicates.orient(p1, p2, p3; exact = False()) == 0
remove_idx[i - 1] = true
p1, p2 = p2, p3
Check if the first point (which is repeated as the last point) is needed
if Predicates.orient(ring.geom[end - 1], ring.geom[1], ring.geom[2]; exact = False()) == 0
remove_idx[1], remove_idx[end] = true, true
Remove unneeded collinear points
deleteat!(ring.geom, remove_idx)
Check if enough points are left to form a polygon
if length(ring.geom) ≤ (remove_idx[1] ? 2 : 3)
if j == 1
deleteat!(polys, i)
deleteat!(poly.geom, j)
if remove_idx[1] # make sure the last point is repeated
push!(ring.geom, ring.geom[1])
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