Line-curve interaction
#= Code is based off of DE-9IM Standards (
and attempts a standardized solution for most of the functions.
Enum PointOrientation
Enum for the orientation of a point with respect to a curve. A point can be
`point_in` the curve, `point_on` the curve, or `point_out` of the curve.
@enum PointOrientation point_in=1 point_on=2 point_out=3
Determines if a point meets the given checks with respect to a curve.
If in_allow is true, the point can be on the curve interior. If on_allow is true, the point can be on the curve boundary. If out_allow is true, the point can be disjoint from the curve.
If the point is in an "allowed" location, return true. Else, return false.
If closed_curve is true, curve is treated as a closed curve where the first and last point are connected by a segment.
function _point_curve_process(
point, curve;
in_allow, on_allow, out_allow,
closed_curve = false,
Determine if curve is closed
n = GI.npoint(curve)
first_last_equal = equals(GI.getpoint(curve, 1), GI.getpoint(curve, n))
closed_curve |= first_last_equal
n -= first_last_equal ? 1 : 0
Loop through all curve segments
p_start = GI.getpoint(curve, closed_curve ? n : 1)
@inbounds for i in (closed_curve ? 1 : 2):n
p_end = GI.getpoint(curve, i)
seg_val = _point_segment_orientation(point, p_start, p_end)
seg_val == point_in && return in_allow
if seg_val == point_on
if !closed_curve # if point is on curve endpoints, it is "on"
i == 2 && equals(point, p_start) && return on_allow
i == n && equals(point, p_end) && return on_allow
return in_allow
p_start = p_end
return out_allow
Determines if a point meets the given checks with respect to a polygon.
If in_allow is true, the point can be within the polygon interior If on_allow is true, the point can be on the polygon boundary. If out_allow is true, the point can be disjoint from the polygon.
If the point is in an "allowed" location, return true. Else, return false.
function _point_polygon_process(
point, polygon;
in_allow, on_allow, out_allow, exact,
Check interaction of geom with polygon's exterior boundary
ext_val = _point_filled_curve_orientation(point, GI.getexterior(polygon); exact)
If a point is outside, it isn't interacting with any holes
ext_val == point_out && return out_allow
if a point is on an external boundary, it isn't interacting with any holes
ext_val == point_on && return on_allow
If geom is within the polygon, need to check interactions with holes
for hole in GI.gethole(polygon)
hole_val = _point_filled_curve_orientation(point, hole; exact)
If a point in in a hole, it is outside of the polygon
hole_val == point_in && return out_allow
If a point in on a hole edge, it is on the edge of the polygon
hole_val == point_on && return on_allow
Point is within external boundary and on in/on any holes
return in_allow
Determines if a line meets the given checks with respect to a curve.
If over_allow is true, segments of the line and curve can be co-linear. If cross_allow is true, segments of the line and curve can cross. If on_allow is true, endpoints of either the line or curve can intersect a segment of the other geometry. If cross_allow is true, segments of the line and curve can be disjoint.
If in_require is true, the interiors of the line and curve must meet in at least one point. If on_require is true, the boundary of one of the two geometries can meet the interior or boundary of the other geometry in at least one point. If out_require is true, there must be at least one point of the given line that is exterior of the curve.
If the point is in an "allowed" location and meets all requirements, return true. Else, return false.
If closed_line is true, line is treated as a closed line where the first and last point are connected by a segment. Same with closed_curve.
@inline function _line_curve_process(line, curve;
over_allow, cross_allow, kw...
skip, returnval = _maybe_skip_disjoint_extents(line, curve;
in_allow=(over_allow | cross_allow), kw...
skip && return returnval
return _inner_line_curve_process(line, curve; over_allow, cross_allow, kw...)
function _inner_line_curve_process(
line, curve;
over_allow, cross_allow, on_allow, out_allow,
in_require, on_require, out_require,
closed_line = false, closed_curve = false,
Set up requirements
in_req_met = !in_require
on_req_met = !on_require
out_req_met = !out_require
Determine curve endpoints
nl = GI.npoint(line)
nc = GI.npoint(curve)
first_last_equal_line = equals(GI.getpoint(line, 1), GI.getpoint(line, nl))
first_last_equal_curve = equals(GI.getpoint(curve, 1), GI.getpoint(curve, nc))
nl -= first_last_equal_line ? 1 : 0
nc -= first_last_equal_curve ? 1 : 0
closed_line |= first_last_equal_line
closed_curve |= first_last_equal_curve
Loop over each line segment
l_start = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(line, closed_line ? nl : 1))
i = closed_line ? 1 : 2
while i ≤ nl
l_end = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(line, i))
c_start = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(curve, closed_curve ? nc : 1))
Loop over each curve segment
for j in (closed_curve ? 1 : 2):nc
c_end = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(curve, j))
Check if line and curve segments meet
seg_val, intr1, _ = _intersection_point(Float64, (l_start, l_end), (c_start, c_end); exact)
If segments are co-linear
if seg_val == line_over
!over_allow && return false
at least one point in, meets requirements
in_req_met = true
point_val = _point_segment_orientation(l_start, c_start, c_end)
If entire segment isn't covered, consider remaining section
if point_val != point_out
i, l_start, break_off = _find_new_seg(i, l_start, l_end, c_start, c_end)
break_off && break
if seg_val == line_cross
!cross_allow && return false
in_req_met = true
elseif seg_val == line_hinge # could cross or overlap
Determine location of intersection point on each segment
(_, (α, β)) = intr1
if ( # Don't consider edges of curves as they can't cross
(!closed_line && ((α == 0 && i == 2) || (α == 1 && i == nl))) ||
(!closed_curve && ((β == 0 && j == 2) || (β == 1 && j == nc)))
!on_allow && return false
on_req_met = true
in_req_met = true
If needed, determine if hinge actually crosses
if (!cross_allow || !over_allow) && α != 0 && β != 0
Find next pieces of hinge to see if line and curve cross
l, c = _find_hinge_next_segments(
α, β, l_start, l_end, c_start, c_end,
i, line, j, curve,
next_val, _, _ = _intersection_point(Float64, l, c; exact)
if next_val == line_hinge
!cross_allow && return false
!over_allow && return false
no overlap for a give segment, some of segment must be out of curve
if j == nc
!out_allow && return false
out_req_met = true
c_start = c_end # consider next segment of curve
if j == nc # move on to next line segment
i += 1
l_start = l_end
return in_req_met && on_req_met && out_req_met
#= If entire segment (le to ls) isn't covered by segment (cs to ce), find remaining section
part of section outside of cs to ce. If completely covered, increase segment index i. =#
function _find_new_seg(i, ls, le, cs, ce)
break_off = true
if _point_segment_orientation(le, cs, ce) != point_out
ls = le
i += 1
elseif !equals(ls, cs) && _point_segment_orientation(cs, ls, le) != point_out
ls = cs
elseif !equals(ls, ce) && _point_segment_orientation(ce, ls, le) != point_out
ls = ce
break_off = false
return i, ls, break_off
#= Find next set of segments needed to determine if given hinge segments cross or not.=#
function _find_hinge_next_segments(α, β, ls, le, cs, ce, i, line, j, curve)
next_seg = if β == 1
if α == 1 # hinge at endpoints, so next segment of both is needed
((le, _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(line, i + 1))), (ce, _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(curve, j + 1))))
else # hinge at curve endpoint and line interior point, curve next segment needed
((ls, le), (ce, _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(curve, j + 1))))
else # hinge at curve interior point and line endpoint, line next segment needed
((le, _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(line, i + 1))), (cs, ce))
return next_seg
Determines if a line meets the given checks with respect to a polygon.
If in_allow is true, segments of the line can be in the polygon interior. If on_allow is true, segments of the line can be on the polygon's boundary. If out_allow is true, segments of the line can be outside of the polygon.
If in_require is true, the interiors of the line and polygon must meet in at least one point. If on_require is true, the line must have at least one point on the polygon'same boundary. If out_require is true, the line must have at least one point outside of the polygon.
If the point is in an "allowed" location and meets all requirements, return true. Else, return false.
If closed_line is true, line is treated as a closed line where the first and last point are connected by a segment.
@inline function _line_polygon_process(line, polygon; kw...)
skip, returnval = _maybe_skip_disjoint_extents(line, polygon; kw...)
skip && return returnval
return _inner_line_polygon_process(line, polygon; kw...)
function _inner_line_polygon_process(
line, polygon;
in_allow, on_allow, out_allow,
in_require, on_require, out_require,
exact, closed_line = false,
in_req_met = !in_require
on_req_met = !on_require
out_req_met = !out_require
Check interaction of line with polygon's exterior boundary
in_curve, on_curve, out_curve = _line_filled_curve_interactions(
line, GI.getexterior(polygon);
exact, closed_line = closed_line,
if on_curve
!on_allow && return false
on_req_met = true
if out_curve
!out_allow && return false
out_req_met = true
If no points within the polygon, the line is disjoint and we are done
!in_curve && return in_req_met && on_req_met && out_req_met
Loop over polygon holes
for hole in GI.gethole(polygon)
in_hole, on_hole, out_hole =_line_filled_curve_interactions(
line, hole;
exact, closed_line = closed_line,
if in_hole # line in hole is equivalent to being out of polygon
!out_allow && return false
out_req_met = true
if on_hole # hole boundary is polygon boundary
!on_allow && return false
on_req_met = true
if !out_hole # entire line is in/on hole, can't be in/on other holes
in_curve = false
if in_curve # entirely of curve isn't within a hole
!in_allow && return false
in_req_met = true
return in_req_met && on_req_met && out_req_met
Determines if a polygon meets the given checks with respect to a polygon.
If in_allow is true, the polygon's interiors must intersect. If on_allow is true, the one of the polygon's boundaries must either interact with the other polygon's boundary or interior. If out_allow is true, the first polygon must have interior regions outside of the second polygon.
If in_require is true, the polygon interiors must meet in at least one point. If on_require is true, one of the polygon's must have at least one boundary point in or on the other polygon. If out_require is true, the first polygon must have at least one interior point outside of the second polygon.
If the point is in an "allowed" location and meets all requirements, return true. Else, return false.
@inline function _polygon_polygon_process(poly1, poly2; kw...)
skip, returnval = _maybe_skip_disjoint_extents(poly1, poly2; kw...)
skip && return returnval
return _inner_polygon_polygon_process(poly1, poly2; kw...)
function _inner_polygon_polygon_process(
poly1, poly2;
in_allow, on_allow, out_allow,
in_require, on_require, out_require,
in_req_met = !in_require
on_req_met = !on_require
out_req_met = !out_require
Check if exterior of poly1 is within poly2
ext1 = GI.getexterior(poly1)
ext2 = GI.getexterior(poly2)
Check if exterior of poly1 is in polygon 2
e1_in_p2, e1_on_p2, e1_out_p2 = _line_polygon_interactions(
ext1, poly2;
exact, closed_line = true,
if e1_on_p2
!on_allow && return false
on_req_met = true
if e1_out_p2
!out_allow && return false
out_req_met = true
if !e1_in_p2
if exterior ring isn't in poly2, check if it surrounds poly2
_, _, e2_out_e1 = _line_filled_curve_interactions(
ext2, ext1;
exact, closed_line = true,
) # if they really are disjoint, we are done
e2_out_e1 && return in_req_met && on_req_met && out_req_met
If interiors interact, check if poly2 interacts with any of poly1's holes
for h1 in GI.gethole(poly1)
h1_in_p2, h1_on_p2, h1_out_p2 = _line_polygon_interactions(
h1, poly2;
exact, closed_line = true,
if h1_on_p2
!on_allow && return false
on_req_met = true
if h1_out_p2
!out_allow && return false
out_req_met = true
if !h1_in_p2
If hole isn't in poly2, see if poly2 is in hole
_, _, e2_out_h1 = _line_filled_curve_interactions(
ext2, h1;
exact, closed_line = true,
hole encompasses all of poly2
!e2_out_h1 && return in_req_met && on_req_met && out_req_met
poly2 isn't outside of poly1 and isn't in a hole, poly1 interior must
interact with poly2 interior
!in_allow && return false
in_req_met = true
If any of poly2 holes are within poly1, part of poly1 is exterior to poly2
for h2 in GI.gethole(poly2)
h2_in_p1, h2_on_p1, _ = _line_polygon_interactions(
h2, poly1;
exact, closed_line = true,
if h2_on_p1
!on_allow && return false
on_req_met = true
if h2_in_p1
!out_allow && return false
out_req_met = true
return in_req_met && on_req_met && out_req_met
Determines if a point is in, on, or out of a segment. If the point is on
the segment it is on one of the segments endpoints. If it is in
, it is on any other point of the segment. If the point is not on any part of the segment, it is out
of the segment.
Point should be an object of point trait and curve should be an object with a linestring or linearring trait.
Can provide values of in, on, and out keywords, which determines return values for each scenario.
function _point_segment_orientation(
point, start, stop;
in::T = point_in, on::T = point_on, out::T = point_out,
) where {T}
Parse out points
x, y = GI.x(point), GI.y(point)
x1, y1 = GI.x(start), GI.y(start)
x2, y2 = GI.x(stop), GI.y(stop)
Δx_seg = x2 - x1
Δy_seg = y2 - y1
Δx_pt = x - x1
Δy_pt = y - y1
if (Δx_pt == 0 && Δy_pt == 0) || (Δx_pt == Δx_seg && Δy_pt == Δy_seg)
If point is equal to the segment start or end points
return on
Determine if the point is on the segment -> see if vector from segment
start to point is parallel to segment and if point is between the
segment endpoints
on_line = _isparallel(Δx_seg, Δy_seg, Δx_pt, Δy_pt)
!on_line && return out
between_endpoints =
(x2 > x1 ? x1 <= x <= x2 : x2 <= x <= x1) &&
(y2 > y1 ? y1 <= y <= y2 : y2 <= y <= y1)
!between_endpoints && return out
return in
Determine if point is in, on, or out of a closed curve, which includes the space enclosed by the closed curve.
means the point is within the closed curve (excluding edges and vertices). On
means the point is on an edge or a vertex of the closed curve. Out
means the point is outside of the closed curve.
Point should be an object of point trait and curve should be an object with a linestring or linearring trait, that is assumed to be closed, regardless of repeated last point.
Can provide values of in, on, and out keywords, which determines return values for each scenario.
Note that this uses the Algorithm by Hao and Sun (2018): Paper separates orientation of point and edge into 26 cases. For each case, it is either a case where the point is on the edge (returns on), where a ray from the point (x, y) to infinity along the line y = y cut through the edge (k += 1), or the ray does not pass through the edge (do nothing and continue). If the ray passes through an odd number of edges, it is within the curve, else outside of of the curve if it didn't return 'on'. See paper for more information on cases denoted in comments.
function _point_filled_curve_orientation(
point, curve;
in::T = point_in, on::T = point_on, out::T = point_out, exact,
) where {T}
x, y = GI.x(point), GI.y(point)
n = GI.npoint(curve)
n -= equals(GI.getpoint(curve, 1), GI.getpoint(curve, n)) ? 1 : 0
k = 0 # counter for ray crossings
p_start = GI.getpoint(curve, n)
for (i, p_end) in enumerate(GI.getpoint(curve))
i > n && break
v1 = GI.y(p_start) - y
v2 = GI.y(p_end) - y
if !((v1 < 0 && v2 < 0) || (v1 > 0 && v2 > 0)) # if not cases 11 or 26
u1, u2 = GI.x(p_start) - x, GI.x(p_end) - x
f = Predicates.cross((u1, u2), (v1, v2); exact)
if v2 > 0 && v1 ≤ 0 # Case 3, 9, 16, 21, 13, or 24
f == 0 && return on # Case 16 or 21
f > 0 && (k += 1) # Case 3 or 9
elseif v1 > 0 && v2 ≤ 0 # Case 4, 10, 19, 20, 12, or 25
f == 0 && return on # Case 19 or 20
f < 0 && (k += 1) # Case 4 or 10
elseif v2 == 0 && v1 < 0 # Case 7, 14, or 17
f == 0 && return on # Case 17
elseif v1 == 0 && v2 < 0 # Case 8, 15, or 18
f == 0 && return on # Case 18
elseif v1 == 0 && v2 == 0 # Case 1, 2, 5, 6, 22, or 23
u2 ≤ 0 && u1 ≥ 0 && return on # Case 1
u1 ≤ 0 && u2 ≥ 0 && return on # Case 2
p_start = p_end
return iseven(k) ? out : in
Determines the types of interactions of a line with a filled-in curve. By filled-in curve, I am referring to the exterior ring of a poylgon, for example.
Returns a tuple of booleans: (in_curve, on_curve, out_curve).
If in_curve is true, some of the lines interior points interact with the curve's interior points. If on_curve is true, endpoints of either the line intersect with the curve or the line interacts with the polygon boundary. If out_curve is true, at least one segments of the line is outside the curve.
If closed_line is true, line is treated as a closed line where the first and last point are connected by a segment.
function _line_filled_curve_interactions(
line, curve;
exact, closed_line = false,
in_curve = false
on_curve = false
out_curve = false
Determine number of points in curve and line
nl = GI.npoint(line)
nc = GI.npoint(curve)
first_last_equal_line = equals(GI.getpoint(line, 1), GI.getpoint(line, nl))
first_last_equal_curve = equals(GI.getpoint(curve, 1), GI.getpoint(curve, nc))
nl -= first_last_equal_line ? 1 : 0
nc -= first_last_equal_curve ? 1 : 0
closed_line |= first_last_equal_line
See if first point is in an acceptable orientation
l_start = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(line, closed_line ? nl : 1))
point_val = _point_filled_curve_orientation(l_start, curve; exact)
if point_val == point_in
in_curve = true
elseif point_val == point_on
on_curve = true
else # point_val == point_out
out_curve = true
Check for any intersections between line and curve
for i in (closed_line ? 1 : 2):nl
l_end = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(line, i))
c_start = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(curve, nc))
If already interacted with all regions of curve, can stop
in_curve && on_curve && out_curve && break
Check next segment of line against curve
for j in 1:nc
c_end = _tuple_point(GI.getpoint(curve, j))
Check if two line and curve segments meet
seg_val, _, _ = _intersection_point(Float64, (l_start, l_end), (c_start, c_end); exact)
if seg_val != line_out
If line and curve meet, then at least one point is on boundary
on_curve = true
if seg_val == line_cross
When crossing boundary, line is both in and out of curve
in_curve = true
out_curve = true
if seg_val == line_over
sp = _point_segment_orientation(l_start, c_start, c_end)
lp = _point_segment_orientation(l_end, c_start, c_end)
if sp != point_in || lp != point_in
Line crosses over segment endpoint, creating a hinge
with another segment.
seg_val = line_hinge
if seg_val == line_hinge
Can't determine all types of interactions (in, out) with
hinge as it could pass through multiple other segments
so calculate if segment endpoints and intersections are
in/out of filled curve
ipoints = intersection_points(GI.Line(StaticArrays.SVector(l_start, l_end)), curve)
npoints = length(ipoints) # since hinge, at least one
dist_from_lstart = let l_start = l_start
x -> _euclid_distance(Float64, x, l_start)
sort!(ipoints, by = dist_from_lstart)
p_start = _tuple_point(l_start)
for i in 1:(npoints + 1)
p_end = i ≤ npoints ? _tuple_point(ipoints[i]) : l_end
mid_val = _point_filled_curve_orientation((p_start .+ p_end) ./ 2, curve; exact)
if mid_val == point_in
in_curve = true
elseif mid_val == point_out
out_curve = true
already checked segment against whole filled curve
l_start = l_end
c_start = c_end
l_start = l_end
return in_curve, on_curve, out_curve
Determines the types of interactions of a line with a polygon.
Returns a tuple of booleans: (in_poly, on_poly, out_poly).
If in_poly is true, some of the lines interior points interact with the polygon interior points. If in_poly is true, endpoints of either the line intersect with the polygon or the line interacts with the polygon boundary, including hole boundaries. If out_curve is true, at least one segments of the line is outside the polygon, including inside of holes.
If closed_line is true, line is treated as a closed line where the first and last point are connected by a segment.
function _line_polygon_interactions(
line, polygon;
exact, closed_line = false,
in_poly, on_poly, out_poly = _line_filled_curve_interactions(
line, GI.getexterior(polygon);
exact, closed_line = closed_line,
!in_poly && return (in_poly, on_poly, out_poly)
Loop over polygon holes
for hole in GI.gethole(polygon)
in_hole, on_hole, out_hole =_line_filled_curve_interactions(
line, hole;
exact, closed_line = closed_line,
if in_hole
out_poly = true
if on_hole
on_poly = true
if !out_hole # entire line is in/on hole, can't be in/on other holes
in_poly = false
return (in_poly, on_poly, out_poly)
return in_poly, on_poly, out_poly
Disjoint extent optimisation: skip work based on geom extent intersection returns Tuple{Bool, Bool} for (skip, returnval)
@inline function _maybe_skip_disjoint_extents(a, b;
in_allow, on_allow, out_allow,
in_require, on_require, out_require,
ext_disjoint = Extents.disjoint(GI.extent(a), GI.extent(b))
skip, returnval = if !ext_disjoint
can't tell anything about this case
false, false
elseif out_allow # && ext_disjoint
if in_require || on_require
true, false
true, true
else # !out_allow && ext_disjoint
points not allowed in exterior, but geoms are disjoint
true, false
return skip, returnval
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