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Distance and signed distance

export distance, signed_distance

What is distance? What is signed distance?

Distance is the distance of a point to another geometry. This is always a positive number. If a point is inside of geometry, so on a curve or inside of a polygon, the distance will be zero. Signed distance is mainly used for polygons and multipolygons. If a point is outside of a geometry, signed distance has the same value as distance. However, points within the geometry have a negative distance representing the distance of a point to the closest boundary. Therefore, for all "non-filled" geometries, like curves, the distance will either be positive or 0.

To provide an example, consider this rectangle:

import GeometryOps as GO
import GeoInterface as GI
using Makie
using CairoMakie

rect = GI.Polygon([[(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0), (0, 0)]])
point_in = (0.5, 0.5)
point_out = (0.5, 1.5)
f, a, p = poly(collect(GI.getpoint(rect)); axis = (; aspect = DataAspect()))
scatter!(GI.x(point_in), GI.y(point_in); color = :red)
scatter!(GI.x(point_out), GI.y(point_out); color = :orange)

This is clearly a rectangle with one point inside and one point outside. The points are both an equal distance to the polygon. The distance to point_in is negative while the distance to point_out is positive.

GO.distance(point_in, rect),  # == 0
GO.signed_distance(point_in, rect),  # < 0
GO.signed_distance(point_out, rect)  # > 0
(0.0, -0.5, 0.5)

Consider also a heatmap of signed distances around this object:

xrange = yrange = LinRange(-0.5, 1.5, 300)
f, a, p = heatmap(xrange, yrange, GO.signed_distance.(Point2f.(xrange, yrange'), Ref(rect)); colormap = :RdBu, colorrange = (-0.75, 0.75))
a.aspect = DataAspect(); Colorbar(f[1, 2], p, label = "Signed distance"); lines!(a, GI.convert(GO.GeometryBasics, rect)); f


This is the GeoInterface-compatible implementation. First, we implement a wrapper method that dispatches to the correct implementation based on the geometry trait. This is also used in the implementation, since it's a lot less work!

Distance and signed distance are only implemented for points to other geometries right now. This could be extended to include distance from other geometries in the future.

The distance calculated is the Euclidean distance using the Pythagorean theorem. Also note that singed_distance only makes sense for "filled-in" shapes, like polygons, so it isn't implemented for curves.

const _DISTANCE_TARGETS = TraitTarget{Union{GI.AbstractPolygonTrait,GI.LineStringTrait,GI.LinearRingTrait,GI.LineTrait,GI.PointTrait}}()

    distance(point, geom, ::Type{T} = Float64)::T

Calculates the  ditance from the geometry `g1` to the `point`. The distance
will always be positive or zero.

The method will differ based on the type of the geometry provided:
    - The distance from a point to a point is just the Euclidean distance
    between the points.
    - The distance from a point to a line is the minimum distance from the point
    to the closest point on the given line.
    - The distance from a point to a linestring is the minimum distance from the
    point to the closest segment of the linestring.
    - The distance from a point to a linear ring is the minimum distance from
    the point to the closest segment of the linear ring.
    - The distance from a point to a polygon is zero if the point is within the
    polygon and otherwise is the minimum distance from the point to an edge of
    the polygon. This includes edges created by holes.
    - The distance from a point to a multigeometry or a geometry collection is
    the minimum distance between the point and any of the sub-geometries.

Result will be of type T, where T is an optional argument with a default value
of Float64.
function distance(
    geom1, geom2, ::Type{T} = Float64; threaded=false
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    distance(GI.trait(geom1), geom1, GI.trait(geom2), geom2, T; threaded)
function distance(
    trait1, geom, trait2::GI.PointTrait, point, ::Type{T} = Float64;
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    distance(trait2, point, trait1, geom, T) # Swap order
function distance(
    trait1::GI.PointTrait, point, trait2, geom, ::Type{T} = Float64;
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    applyreduce(min, _DISTANCE_TARGETS, geom; threaded, init=typemax(T)) do g
        _distance(T, trait1, point, GI.trait(g), g)

Needed for method ambiguity

function distance(
    trait1::GI.PointTrait, point1, trait2::GI.PointTrait, point2, ::Type{T} = Float64;
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    _distance(T, trait1, point1, trait2, point2)

Point-Point, Point-Line, Point-LineString, Point-LinearRing

_distance(::Type{T}, ::GI.PointTrait, point, ::GI.PointTrait, geom) where T =
    _euclid_distance(T, point, geom)
_distance(::Type{T}, ::GI.PointTrait, point, ::GI.LineTrait, geom) where T =
    _distance_line(T, point, GI.getpoint(geom, 1), GI.getpoint(geom, 2))
_distance(::Type{T}, ::GI.PointTrait, point, ::GI.LineStringTrait, geom) where T =
    _distance_curve(T, point, geom; close_curve = false)
_distance(::Type{T}, ::GI.PointTrait, point, ::GI.LinearRingTrait, geom) where T =
    _distance_curve(T, point, geom; close_curve = true)


function _distance(::Type{T}, ::GI.PointTrait, point, ::GI.PolygonTrait, geom) where T
    within(point, geom) && return zero(T)
    return _distance_polygon(T, point, geom)

    signed_distance(point, geom, ::Type{T} = Float64)::T

Calculates the signed distance from the geometry `geom` to the given point.
Points within `geom` have a negative signed distance, and points outside of
`geom` have a positive signed distance.
    - The signed distance from a point to a point, line, linestring, or linear
    ring is equal to the distance between the two.
    - The signed distance from a point to a polygon is negative if the point is
    within the polygon and is positive otherwise. The value of the distance is
    the minimum distance from the point to an edge of the polygon. This includes
    edges created by holes.
    - The signed distance from a point to a multigeometry or a geometry
    collection is the minimum signed distance between the point and any of the

Result will be of type T, where T is an optional argument with a default value
of Float64.
function signed_distance(
    geom1, geom2, ::Type{T} = Float64; threaded=false
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    signed_distance(GI.trait(geom1), geom1, GI.trait(geom2), geom2, T; threaded)
function signed_distance(
    trait1, geom, trait2::GI.PointTrait, point, ::Type{T} = Float64;
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    signed_distance(trait2, point, trait1, geom, T; threaded) # Swap order
function signed_distance(
    trait1::GI.PointTrait, point, trait2, geom, ::Type{T} = Float64;
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    applyreduce(min, _DISTANCE_TARGETS, geom; threaded, init=typemax(T)) do g
        _signed_distance(T, trait1, point, GI.trait(g), g)

Needed for method ambiguity

function signed_distance(
    trait1::GI.PointTrait, point1, trait2::GI.PointTrait, point2, ::Type{T} = Float64;
) where T<:AbstractFloat
    _signed_distance(T, trait1, point1, trait2, point2)

Point-Geom (just calls _distance)

function _signed_distance(
    ::Type{T}, ptrait::GI.PointTrait, point, gtrait::GI.AbstractGeometryTrait, geom
) where T
    _distance(T, ptrait, point, gtrait, geom)


function _signed_distance(::Type{T}, ::GI.PointTrait, point, ::GI.PolygonTrait, geom) where T
    min_dist = _distance_polygon(T, point, geom)
    return within(point, geom) ? -min_dist : min_dist

negative if point is inside polygon


Returns the Euclidean distance between two points.

Base.@propagate_inbounds _euclid_distance(::Type{T}, p1, p2) where T =
    sqrt(_squared_euclid_distance(T, p1, p2))

Returns the square of the euclidean distance between two points

Base.@propagate_inbounds _squared_euclid_distance(::Type{T}, p1, p2) where T =
        GeoInterface.x(p1), GeoInterface.y(p1),
        GeoInterface.x(p2), GeoInterface.y(p2),

Returns the Euclidean distance between two points given their x and y values.

Base.@propagate_inbounds _euclid_distance(::Type{T}, x1, y1, x2, y2) where T =
    sqrt(_squared_euclid_distance(T, x1, y1, x2, y2))

Returns the squared Euclidean distance between two points given their x and y values.

Base.@propagate_inbounds _squared_euclid_distance(::Type{T}, x1, y1, x2, y2) where T =
    T((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

Returns the minimum distance from point p0 to the line defined by endpoints p1 and p2.

_distance_line(::Type{T}, p0, p1, p2) where T =
    sqrt(_squared_distance_line(T, p0, p1, p2))

Returns the squared minimum distance from point p0 to the line defined by endpoints p1 and p2.

function _squared_distance_line(::Type{T}, p0, p1, p2) where T
    x0, y0 = GeoInterface.x(p0), GeoInterface.y(p0)
    x1, y1 = GeoInterface.x(p1), GeoInterface.y(p1)
    x2, y2 = GeoInterface.x(p2), GeoInterface.y(p2)

    xfirst, yfirst, xlast, ylast = x1 < x2 ? (x1, y1, x2, y2) : (x2, y2, x1, y1)

    Vectors from first point to last point (v) and from first point to point of
    interest (w) to find the projection of w onto v to find closest point
    v = (xlast - xfirst, ylast - yfirst)
    w = (x0 - xfirst, y0 - yfirst)

    c1 = sum(w .* v)
    if c1 <= 0  # p0 is closest to first endpoint
        return _squared_euclid_distance(T, x0, y0, xfirst, yfirst)

    c2 = sum(v .* v)
    if c2 <= c1 # p0 is closest to last endpoint
        return _squared_euclid_distance(T, x0, y0, xlast, ylast)

    b2 = c1 / c2  # projection fraction
    return _squared_euclid_distance(T, x0, y0, xfirst + (b2 * v[1]), yfirst + (b2 * v[2]))

Returns the minimum distance from the given point to the given curve. If close_curve is true, make sure to include the edge from the first to last point of the curve, even if it isn't explicitly repeated.

function _distance_curve(::Type{T}, point, curve; close_curve = false) where T

see if linear ring has explicitly repeated last point in coordinates

    np = GI.npoint(curve)
    first_last_equal = equals(GI.getpoint(curve, 1), GI.getpoint(curve, np))
    close_curve &= first_last_equal
    np -= first_last_equal ? 1 : 0

find minimum distance

    min_dist = typemax(T)
    p1 = GI.getpoint(curve, close_curve ? np : 1)
    for i in (close_curve ? 1 : 2):np
        p2 = GI.getpoint(curve, i)
        dist = _distance_line(T, point, p1, p2)
        min_dist = dist < min_dist ? dist : min_dist
        p1 = p2
    return min_dist

Returns the minimum distance from the given point to an edge of the given polygon, including from edges created by holes. Assumes polygon isn't filled and treats the exterior and each hole as a linear ring.

function _distance_polygon(::Type{T}, point, poly) where T
    min_dist = _distance_curve(T, point, GI.getexterior(poly); close_curve = true)
    @inbounds for hole in GI.gethole(poly)
        dist = _distance_curve(T, point, hole; close_curve = true)
        min_dist = dist < min_dist ? dist : min_dist
    return min_dist

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