Geometry Corrections
export fix
This file simply defines the GeometryCorrection
abstract type, and the interface that any GeometryCorrection
must implement.
A geometry correction is a transformation that is applied to a geometry to correct it in some way.
For example, a ClosedRing
correction might be applied to a Polygon
to ensure that its exterior ring is closed.
All GeometryCorrection
s are callable structs which, when called, apply the correction to the given geometry, and return either a copy or the original geometry (if nothing needed to be corrected).
See below for the full interface specification.
GeometryOps.GeometryCorrection Type
abstract type GeometryCorrection
This abstract type represents a geometry correction.
Any GeometryCorrection
must implement two functions: * application_level(::GeometryCorrection)::AbstractGeometryTrait
: This function should return the GeoInterface
trait that the correction is intended to be applied to, like PointTrait
or LineStringTrait
or PolygonTrait
. * (::GeometryCorrection)(::AbstractGeometryTrait, geometry)::(some_geometry)
: This function should apply the correction to the given geometry, and return a new geometry.
Any geometry correction must implement the interface as given above.
abstract type GeometryCorrection
This abstract type represents a geometry correction.
# Interface
Any `GeometryCorrection` must implement two functions:
* `application_level(::GeometryCorrection)::AbstractGeometryTrait`: This function should return the `GeoInterface` trait that the correction is intended to be applied to, like `PointTrait` or `LineStringTrait` or `PolygonTrait`.
* `(::GeometryCorrection)(::AbstractGeometryTrait, geometry)::(some_geometry)`: This function should apply the correction to the given geometry, and return a new geometry.
abstract type GeometryCorrection end
application_level(gc::GeometryCorrection) = error("Not implemented yet for $(gc)")
(gc::GeometryCorrection)(geometry) = gc(GI.trait(geometry), geometry)
(gc::GeometryCorrection)(trait::GI.AbstractGeometryTrait, geometry) = error("Not implemented yet for $(gc) and $(trait).")
function fix(geometry; corrections = GeometryCorrection[ClosedRing(),], kwargs...)
traits = application_level.(corrections)
final_geometry = geometry
for Trait in (GI.PointTrait, GI.MultiPointTrait, GI.LineStringTrait, GI.LinearRingTrait, GI.MultiLineStringTrait, GI.PolygonTrait, GI.MultiPolygonTrait)
available_corrections = findall(x -> x == Trait, traits)
isempty(available_corrections) && continue
@debug "Correcting for $(Trait)"
net_function = reduce(∘, corrections[available_corrections])
final_geometry = apply(net_function, Trait, final_geometry; kwargs...)
return final_geometry
Available corrections
GeometryOps.ClosedRing Type
ClosedRing() <: GeometryCorrection
This correction ensures that a polygon's exterior and interior rings are closed.
It can be called on any geometry correction as usual.
See also GeometryCorrection
GeometryOps.DiffIntersectingPolygons Type
DiffIntersectingPolygons() <: GeometryCorrection
This correction ensures that the polygons included in a multipolygon aren't intersecting. If any polygon's are intersecting, they will be made nonintersecting through the difference
operation to create a unique set of disjoint (other than potentially connections by a single point) polygons covering the same area. See also GeometryCorrection
, UnionIntersectingPolygons
GeometryOps.GeometryCorrection Type
abstract type GeometryCorrection
This abstract type represents a geometry correction.
Any GeometryCorrection
must implement two functions: * application_level(::GeometryCorrection)::AbstractGeometryTrait
: This function should return the GeoInterface
trait that the correction is intended to be applied to, like PointTrait
or LineStringTrait
or PolygonTrait
. * (::GeometryCorrection)(::AbstractGeometryTrait, geometry)::(some_geometry)
: This function should apply the correction to the given geometry, and return a new geometry.
GeometryOps.UnionIntersectingPolygons Type
UnionIntersectingPolygons() <: GeometryCorrection
This correction ensures that the polygon's included in a multipolygon aren't intersecting. If any polygon's are intersecting, they will be combined through the union operation to create a unique set of disjoint (other than potentially connections by a single point) polygons covering the same area.
See also GeometryCorrection
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