Creating Geometry
In this tutorial, we're going to:
Plot geometries on a map using
and coordinate reference system (CRS
)Create geospatial geometries with embedded coordinate reference system information
Save geospatial geometries to common geospatial file formats
First, we load some required packages.
# Geospatial packages from Julia
import GeoInterface as GI
import GeometryOps as GO
import GeoFormatTypes as GFT
using GeoJSON # to load some data
# Packages for coordinate transformation and projection
import CoordinateTransformations
import Proj
# Plotting
using CairoMakie
using GeoMakie
Creating and plotting geometries
Let's start by making a single Point
point = GI.Point(0, 0)
Point{false, false}((0, 0))
Now, let's plot our point.
fig, ax, plt = plot(point)
Let's create a set of points, and have a bit more fun with plotting.
x = [-5, 0, 5, 0];
y = [0, -5, 0, 5];
points = GI.Point.(zip(x,y));
plot!(ax, points; marker = '✈', markersize = 30)
s can be combined into a single MultiPoint
x = [-5, -5, 5, 5];
y = [-5, 5, 5, -5];
multipoint = GI.MultiPoint(GI.Point.(zip(x, y)));
plot!(ax, multipoint; marker = '☁', markersize = 30)
Let's create a LineString
connecting two points.
p1 = GI.Point.(-5, 0);
p2 = GI.Point.(5, 0);
line = GI.LineString([p1,p2])
plot!(ax, line; color = :red)
Now, let's create a line connecting multiple points (i.e. a LineString
). This time we get a bit more fancy with point creation.
r = 2;
k = 10;
ϴ = 0:0.01:2pi;
x = r .* (k + 1) .* cos.(ϴ) .- r .* cos.((k + 1) .* ϴ);
y = r .* (k + 1) .* sin.(ϴ) .- r .* sin.((k + 1) .* ϴ);
lines = GI.LineString(GI.Point.(zip(x,y)));
plot!(ax, lines; linewidth = 5)
We can also create a single LinearRing
trait, the building block of a polygon. A LinearRing
is simply a LineString
with the same beginning and endpoint, i.e., an arbitrary closed shape composed of point pairs.
A LinearRing
is composed of a series of points.
ring1 = GI.LinearRing(GI.getpoint(lines));
GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false}([Point((20.0, 0.0)), … (627) … , Point((20.001115954499138, -1.4219350464667047e-5))])
Now, let's make the LinearRing
into a Polygon
polygon1 = GI.Polygon([ring1]);
GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false}([GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([Point((20.0, 0.0)), … (627) … , Point((20.001115954499138, -1.4219350464667047e-5))])])
Now, we can use GeometryOps and CoordinateTransformations to shift polygon1
up, to avoid plotting over our earlier results. This is done through the GeometryOps.transform function.
xoffset = 0.;
yoffset = 50.;
f = CoordinateTransformations.Translation(xoffset, yoffset);
polygon1 = GO.transform(f, polygon1);
Polygons can contain "holes". The first LinearRing
in a polygon is the exterior, and all subsequent LinearRing
s are treated as holes in the leading LinearRing
offers the GI.getexterior(poly)
and GI.gethole(poly)
methods to get the exterior ring and an iterable of holes, respectively.
hole = GI.LinearRing(GI.getpoint(multipoint))
polygon2 = GI.Polygon([ring1, hole])
GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false}([GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([Point((20.0, 0.0)), … (627) … , Point((20.001115954499138, -1.4219350464667047e-5))]), GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([Point((-5, -5)), … (2) … , Point((5, -5))])])
Shift polygon2
to the right, to avoid plotting over our earlier results.
xoffset = 50.;
yoffset = 0.;
f = CoordinateTransformations.Translation(xoffset, yoffset);
polygon2 = GO.transform(f, polygon2);
s can also be grouped together as a MultiPolygon
r = 5;
x = cos.(reverse(ϴ)) .* r .+ xoffset;
y = sin.(reverse(ϴ)) .* r .+ yoffset;
ring2 = GI.LinearRing(GI.Point.(zip(x,y)));
polygon3 = GI.Polygon([ring2]);
multipolygon = GI.MultiPolygon([polygon2, polygon3])
GeoInterface.Wrappers.MultiPolygon{false, false}([GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon([GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([[70.0, 0.0], … (627) … , [70.00111595449914, -1.4219350464667047e-5]]), GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([[45.0, -5.0], … (2) … , [55.0, -5.0]])]), GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon([GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([Point((54.999974634566875, -0.01592650896568995)), … (627) … , Point((55.0, 0.0))])])])
Shift multipolygon
up, to avoid plotting over our earlier results.
xoffset = 0.;
yoffset = 50.;
f = CoordinateTransformations.Translation(xoffset, yoffset);
multipolygon = GO.transform(f, multipolygon);
Great, now we can make Points
, MultiPoints
, Lines
, LineStrings
, Polygons
(with holes), and MultiPolygons
and modify them using [CoordinateTransformations
] and [GeometryOps
Plot geometries on a map using GeoMakie
and coordinate reference system (CRS
In geospatial sciences we often have data in one Coordinate Reference System (CRS) (source
) and would like to display it in different (destination
. GeoMakie
allows us to do this by automatically projecting from source
to destination
Here, our source
CRS is common geographic (i.e. coordinates of latitude and longitude), WGS84.
source_crs1 = GFT.EPSG(4326)
Now let's pick a destination
CRS for displaying our map. Here we'll pick natearth2.
destination_crs = "+proj=natearth2"
Let's add land area for context. First, download and open the Natural Earth global land polygons at 110 m resolution.GeoMakie
ships with this particular dataset, so we will access it from there.
land_path = GeoMakie.assetpath("ne_110m_land.geojson")
Natural Earth has lots of other datasets, and there is a Julia package that provides an interface to it called NaturalEarth.jl.
Read the land MultiPolygon
s as a GeoJSON.FeatureCollection
land_geo =
FeatureCollection with 127 Features
We then need to create a figure with a GeoAxis
that can handle the projection between source
and destination
CRS. For GeoMakie, source
is the CRS of the input and dest
is the CRS you want to visualize in.
fig = Figure(size=(1000, 500));
ga = GeoAxis(
fig[1, 1];
source = source_crs1,
dest = destination_crs,
xticklabelsvisible = false,
yticklabelsvisible = false,
Plot land
for context.
poly!(ga, land_geo, color=:black)
Now let's plot a Polygon
like before, but this time with a CRS that differs from our source
plot!(multipolygon; color = :green)
But what if we want to plot geometries with a different source
CRS on the same figure?
To show how to do this let's create a geometry with coordinates in UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone 10N EPSG:32610.
source_crs2 = GFT.EPSG(32610)
Create a polygon (we're working in meters now, not latitude and longitude)
r = 1000000;
ϴ = 0:0.01:2pi;
x = r .* cos.(ϴ).^3 .+ 500000;
y = r .* sin.(ϴ) .^ 3 .+5000000;
629-element Vector{Float64}:
Now create a LinearRing
from Points
ring3 = GI.LinearRing(Point.(zip(x, y)))
GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false}([[1.5e6, 5.0e6], … (627) … , [1.499984780817334e6, 4.999999967681458e6]])
Now create a Polygon
from the LineRing
polygon3 = GI.Polygon([ring3])
GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false}([GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([[1.5e6, 5.0e6], … (627) … , [1.499984780817334e6, 4.999999967681458e6]])])
Now plot on the existing GeoAxis.
The keyword argument source
is used to specify the source CRS
of that particular plot, when plotting on an existing GeoAxis
plot!(ga,polygon3; color=:red, source = source_crs2)
Create geospatial geometries with embedded coordinate reference system information
Great, we can make geometries and plot them on a map... now let's export the data to common geospatial data formats. To do this we now need to create geometries with embedded CRS
information, making it a geospatial geometry. All that's needed is to include ; crs = crs
as a keyword argument when constructing the geometry.
Let's do this for a new Polygon
r = 3;
k = 7;
ϴ = 0:0.01:2pi;
x = r .* (k + 1) .* cos.(ϴ) .- r .* cos.((k + 1) .* ϴ);
y = r .* (k + 1) .* sin.(ϴ) .- r .* sin.((k + 1) .* ϴ);
ring4 = GI.LinearRing(Point.(zip(x, y)))
GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing{false, false}([[21.0, 0.0], … (627) … , [21.00085222666982, -8.14404531208901e-6]])
But this time when we create the Polygon
we need to specify the CRS
at the time of creation, making it a geospatial polygon
geopoly1 = GI.Polygon([ring4], crs = source_crs1)
GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false}([GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([[21.0, 0.0], … (627) … , [21.00085222666982, -8.14404531208901e-6]])], crs = EPSG:4326)
It is good practice to only include CRS information with the highest-level geometry. Not doing so can bloat the memory footprint of the geometry. CRS information can be included at the individual Point
level but is discouraged.
And let's create second Polygon
by shifting the first using CoordinateTransformations
xoffset = 20.;
yoffset = -25.;
f = CoordinateTransformations.Translation(xoffset, yoffset);
geopoly2 = GO.transform(f, geopoly1);
GeoInterface.Wrappers.Polygon{false, false}([GeoInterface.Wrappers.LinearRing([[41.0, -25.0], … (627) … , [41.00085222666982, -25.000008144045314]], crs = EPSG:4326)], crs = EPSG:4326)
Creating a table with attributes and geometry
Typically, you'll also want to include attributes with your geometries. Attributes are simply data that are attributed to each geometry. The easiest way to do this is to create a table with a :geometry
column. Let's do this using DataFrames
using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(geometry=[geopoly1, geopoly2])
Row | geometry |
Polygon… | |
1 | Polygon{false, false, Vector{LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Point{2, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}(LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Point{2, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}[LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Point{2, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}(Point{2, Float64}[[21.0, 0.0], [21.0084, 0.000251918], [21.0335, 0.00201338], [21.0752, 0.00678413], [21.1331, 0.0160443], [21.2068, 0.031245], [21.2958, 0.0537986], [21.3995, 0.0850697], [21.517, 0.126366], [21.6474, 0.178931] … [21.6916, -0.198233], [21.5572, -0.14183], [21.4354, -0.0970752], [21.3273, -0.0627497], [21.2335, -0.0375649], [21.1549, -0.0201732], [21.0919, -0.00917664], [21.045, -0.00313531], [21.0146, -0.000577332], [21.0009, -8.14405e-6]], nothing, nothing)], nothing, EPSG{1}((4326,))) |
2 | Polygon{false, false, Vector{LinearRing{false, false, Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}(LinearRing{false, false, Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}[LinearRing{false, false, Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}(SVector{2, Float64}[[41.0, -25.0], [41.0084, -24.9997], [41.0335, -24.998], [41.0752, -24.9932], [41.1331, -24.984], [41.2068, -24.9688], [41.2958, -24.9462], [41.3995, -24.9149], [41.517, -24.8736], [41.6474, -24.8211] … [41.6916, -25.1982], [41.5572, -25.1418], [41.4354, -25.0971], [41.3273, -25.0627], [41.2335, -25.0376], [41.1549, -25.0202], [41.0919, -25.0092], [41.045, -25.0031], [41.0146, -25.0006], [41.0009, -25.0]], nothing, EPSG{1}((4326,)))], nothing, EPSG{1}((4326,))) |
Now let's add a couple of attributes to the geometries. We do this using DataFrames' !
mutation syntax that allows you to add a new column to an existing data frame.
df[!,:id] = ["a", "b"]
df[!, :name] = ["polygon 1", "polygon 2"]
Row | geometry | id | name |
Polygon… | String | String | |
1 | Polygon{false, false, Vector{LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Point{2, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}(LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Point{2, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}[LinearRing{false, false, Vector{Point{2, Float64}}, Nothing, Nothing}(Point{2, Float64}[[21.0, 0.0], [21.0084, 0.000251918], [21.0335, 0.00201338], [21.0752, 0.00678413], [21.1331, 0.0160443], [21.2068, 0.031245], [21.2958, 0.0537986], [21.3995, 0.0850697], [21.517, 0.126366], [21.6474, 0.178931] … [21.6916, -0.198233], [21.5572, -0.14183], [21.4354, -0.0970752], [21.3273, -0.0627497], [21.2335, -0.0375649], [21.1549, -0.0201732], [21.0919, -0.00917664], [21.045, -0.00313531], [21.0146, -0.000577332], [21.0009, -8.14405e-6]], nothing, nothing)], nothing, EPSG{1}((4326,))) | a | polygon 1 |
2 | Polygon{false, false, Vector{LinearRing{false, false, Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}(LinearRing{false, false, Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}[LinearRing{false, false, Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}, Nothing, EPSG{1}}(SVector{2, Float64}[[41.0, -25.0], [41.0084, -24.9997], [41.0335, -24.998], [41.0752, -24.9932], [41.1331, -24.984], [41.2068, -24.9688], [41.2958, -24.9462], [41.3995, -24.9149], [41.517, -24.8736], [41.6474, -24.8211] … [41.6916, -25.1982], [41.5572, -25.1418], [41.4354, -25.0971], [41.3273, -25.0627], [41.2335, -25.0376], [41.1549, -25.0202], [41.0919, -25.0092], [41.045, -25.0031], [41.0146, -25.0006], [41.0009, -25.0]], nothing, EPSG{1}((4326,)))], nothing, EPSG{1}((4326,))) | b | polygon 2 |
Saving your geospatial data
There are Julia packages for most commonly used geographic data formats. Below, we show how to export that data to each of these.
We begin with GeoJSON, which is a JSON format for geospatial feature collections. It's human-readable and widely supported by most web-based and desktop geospatial libraries.
import GeoJSON
fn = "shapes.json"
GeoJSON.write(fn, df)
Now, let's save as a Shapefile
. Shapefiles are actually a set of files (usually 4) that hold geometry information, a CRS, and additional attribute information as a separate table. When you give Shapefile.write
a file name, it will write 4 files of the same name but with different extensions.
import Shapefile
fn = "shapes.shp"
Shapefile.write(fn, df)
Now, let's save as a GeoParquet
. GeoParquet is a geospatial extension to the Parquet format, which is a high-performance data store. It's great for storing large amounts of data in a single file.
import GeoParquet
fn = "shapes.parquet"
GeoParquet.write(fn, df, (:geometry,))
Finally, if there's no Julia-native package that can write data to your desired format (e.g. .gpkg
, .gml
, etc), you can use GeoDataFrames
. This package uses the GDAL library under the hood which supports writing to nearly all geospatial formats.
import GeoDataFrames
fn = "shapes.gpkg"
GeoDataFrames.write(fn, df)
And there we go, you can now create mapped geometries from scratch, manipulate them, plot them on a map, and save them in multiple geospatial data formats.