export apply
This file mainly defines the apply
In general, the idea behind the apply
framework is to take as input any geometry, vector of geometries, or feature collection, deconstruct it to the given trait target (any arbitrary GI.AbstractTrait or TraitTarget
union thereof, like PointTrait
or PolygonTrait
) and perform some operation on it. Then, the geometry or structure is rebuilt.
This allows for a simple and consistent framework within which users can define their own operations trivially easily, and removes a lot of the complexity involved with handling complex geometry structures.
For example, a simple way to flip the x and y coordinates of a geometry is:
flipped_geom = GO.apply(GI.PointTrait(), geom) do p
(GI.y(p), GI.x(p))
As simple as that. There's no need to implement your own decomposition because it's done for you.
Functions like flip
, reproject
, transform
, even segmentize
and simplify
have been implemented using the apply
framework. Similarly, centroid
, area
and distance
have been implemented using the applyreduce
GeometryOps.GeometryOpsCore.apply Function
apply(f, target::Union{TraitTarget, GI.AbstractTrait}, obj; kw...)
Reconstruct a geometry, feature, feature collection, or nested vectors of either using the function f
on the target
f(target_geom) => x
where x
also has the target
trait, or a trait that can be substituted. For example, swapping PolgonTrait
to MultiPointTrait
will fail if the outer object has MultiPolygonTrait
, but should work if it has FeatureTrait
Objects "shallower" than the target trait are always completely rebuilt, like a Vector
of FeatureCollectionTrait
of FeatureTrait
when the target has PolygonTrait
and is held in the features. These will always be GeoInterface geometries/feature/feature collections. But "deeper" objects may remain unchanged or be whatever GeoInterface compatible objects f
The result is a functionally similar geometry with values depending on f
. Whether to use multithreading. Defaults tofalse
: The CRS to attach to geometries. Defaults tonothing
. Whether to calculate the extent. Defaults tofalse
Flipped point the order in any feature or geometry, or iterables of either:
import GeoInterface as GI
import GeometryOps as GO
geom = GI.Polygon([GI.LinearRing([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (1, 2)]),
GI.LinearRing([(3, 4), (5, 6), (6, 7), (3, 4)])])
flipped_geom = GO.apply(GI.PointTrait, geom) do p
(GI.y(p), GI.x(p))
apply(f, target::Union{TraitTarget, GI.AbstractTrait}, obj; kw...)
Reconstruct a geometry, feature, feature collection, or nested vectors of either using the function f
on the target
f(target_geom) => x
where x
also has the target
trait, or a trait that can be substituted. For example, swapping PolgonTrait
to MultiPointTrait
will fail if the outer object has MultiPolygonTrait
, but should work if it has FeatureTrait
Objects "shallower" than the target trait are always completely rebuilt, like a Vector
of FeatureCollectionTrait
of FeatureTrait
when the target has PolygonTrait
and is held in the features. These will always be GeoInterface geometries/feature/feature collections. But "deeper" objects may remain unchanged or be whatever GeoInterface compatible objects f
The result is a functionally similar geometry with values depending on f
. Whether to use multithreading. Defaults tofalse
: The CRS to attach to geometries. Defaults tonothing
. Whether to calculate the extent. Defaults tofalse
Flipped point the order in any feature or geometry, or iterables of either:
import GeoInterface as GI
import GeometryOps as GO
geom = GI.Polygon([GI.LinearRing([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (1, 2)]),
GI.LinearRing([(3, 4), (5, 6), (6, 7), (3, 4)])])
flipped_geom = GO.apply(GI.PointTrait, geom) do p
(GI.y(p), GI.x(p))
GeometryOps.GeometryOpsCore.applyreduce Function
applyreduce(f, op, target::Union{TraitTarget, GI.AbstractTrait}, obj; threaded)
Apply function f
to all objects with the target
trait, and reduce the result with an op
like +
The order and grouping of application of op
is not guaranteed.
If threaded==true
threads will be used over arrays and iterables, feature collections and nested geometries.
applyreduce(f, op, target::Union{TraitTarget, GI.AbstractTrait}, obj; threaded)
Apply function f
to all objects with the target
trait, and reduce the result with an op
like +
The order and grouping of application of op
is not guaranteed.
If threaded==true
threads will be used over arrays and iterables, feature collections and nested geometries.
What is apply
applies some function to every geometry matching the Target
GeoInterface trait, in some arbitrarily nested object made up of:
s (we also try to iterate other non-GeoInteface compatible object)FeatureCollectionTrait
recursively calls itself through these nested layers until it reaches objects with the Target
GeoInterface trait. When found apply
applies the function f
, and stops.
The outer recursive functions then progressively rebuild the object using GeoInterface objects matching the original traits.
If PointTrait
is found but it is not the Target
, an error is thrown. This likely means the object contains a different geometry trait to the target, such as MultiPointTrait
when LineStringTrait
was specified.
To handle this possibility it may be necessary to make Target
a Union
of traits found at the same level of nesting, and define methods of f
to handle all cases.
Be careful making a union across "levels" of nesting, e.g. Union{FeatureTrait,PolygonTrait}
, as _apply
will just never reach PolygonTrait
when all the polygons are wrapped in a FeatureTrait
and crs
can be embedded in all geometries, features, and feature collections as part of apply
. Geometries deeper than Target
will of course not have new extent
or crs
signals to recalculate anExtent
and embed
will be embedded as-is
Threading is used at the outermost level possible - over an array, feature collection, or e.g. a MultiPolygonTrait where each PolygonTrait
sub-geometry may be calculated on a different thread.
Currently, threading defaults to false
for all objects, but can be turned on by passing the keyword argument threaded=true
to apply
apply(f, target::Union{TraitTarget, GI.AbstractTrait}, obj; kw...)
Reconstruct a geometry, feature, feature collection, or nested vectors of
either using the function `f` on the `target` trait.
`f(target_geom) => x` where `x` also has the `target` trait, or a trait that can
be substituted. For example, swapping `PolgonTrait` to `MultiPointTrait` will fail
if the outer object has `MultiPolygonTrait`, but should work if it has `FeatureTrait`.
Objects "shallower" than the target trait are always completely rebuilt, like
a `Vector` of `FeatureCollectionTrait` of `FeatureTrait` when the target
has `PolygonTrait` and is held in the features. These will always be GeoInterface
geometries/feature/feature collections. But "deeper" objects may remain
unchanged or be whatever GeoInterface compatible objects `f` returns.
The result is a functionally similar geometry with values depending on `f`.
# Example
Flipped point the order in any feature or geometry, or iterables of either:
import GeoInterface as GI
import GeometryOps as GO
geom = GI.Polygon([GI.LinearRing([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (1, 2)]),
GI.LinearRing([(3, 4), (5, 6), (6, 7), (3, 4)])])
flipped_geom = GO.apply(GI.PointTrait, geom) do p
(GI.y(p), GI.x(p))
@inline function apply(
f::F, target, geom; calc_extent=false, threaded=false, kw...
) where F
threaded = _booltype(threaded)
calc_extent = _booltype(calc_extent)
_apply(f, TraitTarget(target), geom; threaded, calc_extent, kw...)
Call _apply again with the trait of geom
@inline _apply(f::F, target, geom; kw...) where F =
_apply(f, target, GI.trait(geom), geom; kw...)
There is no trait and this is an AbstractArray - so just iterate over it calling _apply on the contents
@inline function _apply(f::F, target, ::Nothing, A::AbstractArray; threaded, kw...) where F
For an Array there is nothing else to do but map _apply
over all values _maptasks may run this level threaded if threaded==true
, but deeper _apply
called in the closure will not be threaded
apply_to_array(i) = _apply(f, target, A[i]; threaded=_False(), kw...)
_maptasks(apply_to_array, eachindex(A), threaded)
There is no trait and this is not an AbstractArray. Try to call _apply over it. We can't use threading as we don't know if we can can index into it. So just map
@inline function _apply(f::F, target, ::Nothing, iterable::IterableType; threaded, kw...) where {F, IterableType}
Try the Tables.jl interface first
if Tables.istable(iterable)
_apply_table(f, target, iterable; threaded, kw...)
else # this is probably some form of iterable...
if threaded isa _True
first so we can use threads
_apply(f, target, collect(iterable); threaded, kw...)
apply_to_iterable(x) = _apply(f, target, x; kw...)
map(apply_to_iterable, iterable)
Doing this inline in `_apply` is _heavily_ type unstable, so it's best to separate this
by a function barrier.
This function operates `apply` on the `geometry` column of the table, and returns a new table
with the same schema, but with the new geometry column.
This new table may be of the same type as the old one iff `Tables.materializer` is defined for
that table. If not, then a `NamedTuple` is returned.
function _apply_table(f::F, target, iterable::IterableType; threaded, kw...) where {F, IterableType}
_get_col_pair(colname) = colname => Tables.getcolumn(iterable, colname)
We extract the geometry column and run apply
on it.
geometry_column = first(GI.geometrycolumns(iterable))
new_geometry = _apply(f, target, Tables.getcolumn(iterable, geometry_column); threaded, kw...)
Then, we obtain the schema of the table,
old_schema = Tables.schema(iterable)
filter the geometry column out,
new_names = filter(Base.Fix1(!==, geometry_column), old_schema.names)
and try to rebuild the same table as the best type - either the original type of iterable
, or a named tuple which is the default fallback.
result = Tables.materializer(iterable)(
NamedTuple{(geometry_column,), Base.Tuple{typeof(new_geometry)}}((new_geometry,)),
NamedTuple(, new_names))
Finally, we ensure that metadata is propagated correctly. This can only happen if the original table supports metadata reads, and the result supports metadata writes.
if DataAPI.metadatasupport(typeof(result)).write
Copy over all metadata from the original table to the new table, if the original table supports metadata reading.
if DataAPI.metadatasupport(IterableType).read
for (key, (value, style)) in DataAPI.metadata(iterable; style = true)
Default styles are not preserved on data transformation, so we must skip them!
style == :default && continue
We assume that any other style is preserved.
DataAPI.metadata!(result, key, value; style)
We don't usually care about the original table's metadata for GEOINTERFACE namespaced keys, so we should set the crs and geometrycolumns metadata if they are present. Ensure that GEOINTERFACE:geometrycolumns
are set!
mdk = DataAPI.metadatakeys(result)
If the user has asked for geometry columns to persist, they would be here, so we don't need to set them.
if !("GEOINTERFACE:geometrycolumns" in mdk)
If the geometry columns are not already set, we need to set them.
DataAPI.metadata!(result, "GEOINTERFACE:geometrycolumns", (geometry_column,); style = :default)
Force reset CRS always, since you can pass crs
to apply
new_crs = if haskey(kw, :crs)
else # this will automatically check `GEOINTERFACE:crs` unless the type has a specialized implementation.
DataAPI.metadata!(result, "GEOINTERFACE:crs", new_crs; style = :default)
return result
Rewrap all FeatureCollectionTrait feature collections as GI.FeatureCollection Maybe use threads to call _apply on component features
@inline function _apply(f::F, target, ::GI.FeatureCollectionTrait, fc;, calc_extent=_False(), threaded
) where F
Run _apply on all features
in the feature collection, possibly threaded
apply_to_feature(i) =
_apply(f, target, GI.getfeature(fc, i); crs, calc_extent, threaded=_False())::GI.Feature
features = _maptasks(apply_to_feature, 1:GI.nfeature(fc), threaded)
if calc_extent isa _True
Calculate the extent of the features
extent = mapreduce(GI.extent, Extents.union, features)
Return a FeatureCollection with features, crs and calculated extent
return GI.FeatureCollection(features; crs, extent)
Return a FeatureCollection with features and crs
return GI.FeatureCollection(features; crs)
Rewrap all FeatureTrait features as GI.Feature, keeping the properties
@inline function _apply(f::F, target, ::GI.FeatureTrait, feature;, calc_extent=_False(), threaded
) where F
Run _apply on the contained geometry
geometry = _apply(f, target, GI.geometry(feature); crs, calc_extent, threaded)
Get the feature properties
properties =
if calc_extent isa _True
Calculate the extent of the geometry
extent = GI.extent(geometry)
Return a new Feature with the new geometry and calculated extent, but the original properties and crs
return GI.Feature(geometry; properties, crs, extent)
Return a new Feature with the new geometry, but the original properties and crs
return GI.Feature(geometry; properties, crs)
Reconstruct nested geometries, maybe using threads to call _apply on component geoms
@inline function _apply(f::F, target, trait, geom;, calc_extent=_False(), threaded
)::(GI.geointerface_geomtype(trait)) where F
Map _apply
over all sub geometries of geom
to create a new vector of geometries TODO handle zero length
apply_to_geom(i) = _apply(f, target, GI.getgeom(geom, i); crs, calc_extent, threaded=_False())
geoms = _maptasks(apply_to_geom, 1:GI.ngeom(geom), threaded)
return _apply_inner(geom, geoms, crs, calc_extent)
@inline function _apply(f::F, target::TraitTarget{<:PointTrait}, trait::GI.PolygonTrait, geom;, calc_extent=_False(), threaded
)::(GI.geointerface_geomtype(trait)) where F
We need to force rebuilding a LinearRing not a LineString
geoms = _maptasks(1:GI.ngeom(geom), threaded) do i
lr = GI.getgeom(geom, i)
points = map(GI.getgeom(lr)) do p
_apply(f, target, p; crs, calc_extent, threaded=_False())
_linearring(_apply_inner(lr, points, crs, calc_extent))
return _apply_inner(geom, geoms, crs, calc_extent)
function _apply_inner(geom, geoms, crs, calc_extent::_True)
Calculate the extent of the sub geometries
extent = mapreduce(GI.extent, Extents.union, geoms)
Return a new geometry of the same trait as geom
, holding the new geoms
with crs
and calculated extent
return rebuild(geom, geoms; crs, extent)
function _apply_inner(geom, geoms, crs, calc_extent::_False)
Return a new geometry of the same trait as geom
, holding the new geoms
with crs
return rebuild(geom, geoms; crs)
Fail loudly if we hit PointTrait without running f
(after PointTrait there is no further to dig with _apply
) @inline _apply(f, ::TraitTarget{Target}, trait::GI.PointTrait, geom; crs=nothing, kw...) where Target = throw(ArgumentError("target Target not found, but reached a PointTrait
leaf")) Finally, these short methods are the main purpose of apply
. The Trait
is a subtype of the Target
(or identical to it) So the Target
is found. We apply f
to geom and return it to previous _apply calls to be wrapped with the outer geometries/feature/featurecollection/array.
_apply(f::F, ::TraitTarget{Target}, ::Trait, geom;, kw...) where {F,Target,Trait<:Target} = f(geom)
Define some specific cases of this match to avoid method ambiguity
for T in (
GI.PointTrait, GI.LinearRing, GI.LineString,
GI.MultiPoint, GI.FeatureTrait, GI.FeatureCollectionTrait
@eval _apply(f::F, target::TraitTarget{<:$T}, trait::$T, x; kw...) where F = f(x)
### `_maptasks` - flexible, threaded `map`
using Base.Threads: nthreads, @threads, @spawn
Threading utility, modified Mason Protters threading PSA run f
over ntasks, where f receives an AbstractArray/range of linear indices
@inline function _maptasks(f::F, taskrange, threaded::_True)::Vector where F
ntasks = length(taskrange)
Customize this as needed. More tasks have more overhead, but better load balancing
tasks_per_thread = 2
chunk_size = max(1, ntasks ÷ (tasks_per_thread * nthreads()))
partition the range into chunks
task_chunks = Iterators.partition(taskrange, chunk_size)
Map over the chunks
tasks = map(task_chunks) do chunk
Spawn a task to process this chunk
@spawn begin
Where we map f
over the chunk indices
map(f, chunk)
Finally we join the results into a new vector
return mapreduce(fetch, vcat, tasks)
Here we use the compiler directive @assume_effects :foldable
to force the compiler to lookup through the closure. This alone makes e.g. flip
2.5x faster!
Base.@assume_effects :foldable @inline function _maptasks(f::F, taskrange, threaded::_False)::Vector where F
map(f, taskrange)
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