This defines core types that the GeometryOps ecosystem uses, and that are usable in more than just GeometryOps.
A manifold is mathematically defined as a topological space that resembles Euclidean space locally.
In GeometryOps (and geodesy more generally), there are three manifolds we care about:
: the 2d plane, a completely Euclidean manifoldSpherical
: the unit sphere, but one where areas are multiplied by the radius of the Earth. This is not Euclidean globally, but all map projections attempt to represent the sphere on the Euclidean 2D plane to varying degrees of success.Geodesic
: the ellipsoid, the closest we can come to representing the Earth by a simple geometric shape. Parametrized bysemimajor_axis
Generally, we aim to have Linear
and Spherical
be operable everywhere, whereas Geodesic
will only apply in specific circumstances. Currently, those circumstances are area
and segmentize
, but this could be extended with time and https://github.com/JuliaGeo/SphericalGeodesics.jl.
export Planar, Spherical, Geodesic
export TraitTarget
export BoolsAsTypes, _True, _False, _booltype
abstract type Manifold
A manifold is mathematically defined as a topological space that resembles Euclidean space locally.
We use the manifold definition to define the space in which an operation should be performed, or where a geometry lies.
Currently we have `Planar`, `Spherical`, and `Geodesic` manifolds.
abstract type Manifold end
A planar manifold refers to the 2D Euclidean plane.
Z coordinates may be accepted but will not influence geometry calculations, which
are done purely on 2D geometry. This is the standard "2.5D" model used by e.g. GEOS.
struct Planar <: Manifold
Spherical(; radius)
A spherical manifold means that the geometry is on the 3-sphere (but is represented by 2-D longitude and latitude).
# Extended help
!!! note
The traditional definition of spherical coordinates in physics and mathematics,
``r, \\theta, \\phi``, uses the _colatitude_, that measures angular displacement from the `z`-axis.
Here, we use the geographic definition of longitude and latitude, meaning
that `lon` is longitude between -180 and 180, and `lat` is latitude between
`-90` (south pole) and `90` (north pole).
Base.@kwdef struct Spherical{T} <: Manifold
radius::T = 6371008.8
Geodesic(; semimajor_axis, inv_flattening)
A geodesic manifold means that the geometry is on a 3-dimensional ellipsoid, parameterized by `semimajor_axis` (``a`` in mathematical parlance)
and `inv_flattening` (``1/f``).
Usually, this is only relevant for area and segmentization calculations. It becomes more relevant as one grows closer to the poles (or equator).
Base.@kwdef struct Geodesic{T} <: Manifold
semimajor_axis::T = 6378137,0
inv_flattening::T = 298.257223563
This struct holds a trait parameter or a union of trait parameters. It's essentially a way to construct unions.
This struct holds a trait parameter or a union of trait parameters.
It is primarily used for dispatch into methods which select trait levels,
like `apply`, or as a parameter to `target`.
# Constructors
TraitTarget(GI.LineStringTrait(), GI.LinearRingTrait()) # and other traits as you may like
There are also type based constructors available, but that's not advised.
TraitTarget(Union{GI.LineStringTrait, GI.LinearRingTrait})
struct TraitTarget{T} end
TraitTarget(::Type{T}) where T = TraitTarget{T}()
TraitTarget(::T) where T<:GI.AbstractTrait = TraitTarget{T}()
TraitTarget(::TraitTarget{T}) where T = TraitTarget{T}()
TraitTarget(::Type{<:TraitTarget{T}}) where T = TraitTarget{T}()
TraitTarget(traits::GI.AbstractTrait...) = TraitTarget{Union{map(typeof, traits)...}}()
Base.in(::Trait, ::TraitTarget{Target}) where {Trait <: GI.AbstractTrait, Target} = Trait <: Target
In apply
and applyreduce
, we pass threading
and calc_extent
as types, not simple boolean values.
This is to help compilation - with a type to hold on to, it's easier for the compiler to separate threaded and non-threaded code paths.
Note that if we didn't include the parent abstract type, this would have been really type unstable, since the compiler couldn't tell what would be returned!
We had to add the type annotation on the _booltype(::Bool)
method for this reason as well.
TODO: should we switch to Static.jl
abstract type BoolsAsTypes
abstract type BoolsAsTypes end
struct _True <: BoolsAsTypes
A struct that means `true`.
struct _True <: BoolsAsTypes end
struct _False <: BoolsAsTypes
A struct that means `false`.
struct _False <: BoolsAsTypes end
Returns a `BoolsAsTypes` from `x`, whether it's a boolean or a BoolsAsTypes.
function _booltype end
@inline _booltype(x::Bool)::BoolsAsTypes = x ? _True() : _False()
@inline _booltype(x::BoolsAsTypes)::BoolsAsTypes = x
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